Assigning Object Security to an EnterWorks Group - Precisely EnterWorks - EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX) - EnterWorks - 10.5

EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide
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To assign object security to a Group:

  1. Log into EnterWorks Classic as an Administrator.

  1. In the Feature bar, open the Users and Groups folder, and select Groups. The Groups list will appear.

  2. Select the Group to which privilege(s) will be added or removed.

  3. Open the Action dropdown menu and select Security.

  4. The Security page will be shown for the selected group.

  1. Click the Hide All link on the upper right of the page to view all categories of security.

  1. Each category of permissions pertains to a specific EnterWorks security-enabled object type.

    1. Click the Create check box in each subgroup to allow a user in the group to create that object.

    2. Click the Read, Edit or Delete checkbox for each object to set permissions for that object.

  2. Additional permissions are available on repositories. The Attribute filter and optionally the item filter need to be defined.

    1. Sync-in allows importing of data into a repository.

    2. Add Records allows adding new records to repository.

    3. Delete Records allows deleting records from repository.

    4. Edit MetaData allows changing repository properties.

    5. Edit Record Attribute Filter: You must select a filter. The default filter allows access to all attributes.

    6. Record Filter: You must select a defined available item filter. If none is specified, this will give access to all rows of data in the repository.

The security categories available and permissions for each are described in this table:

Security Category Permissions Available Description
Users Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to themselves; must be granted access to others.
Groups Read/Edit/Delete User has Read permission by default to Groups they belong to; must be granted access to others.
Style Maps Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Style Maps (used in publication) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Templates Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Templates (used in publication) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Data Sources Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Data Sources (used for import) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Sequences Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Sequences (used in repositories with auto-generated sequence attributes) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Profiles Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Profiles (attributes defined for a repository) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Code Sets Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Code Sets created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Taxonomies Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Taxonomies created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Hierarchies Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Hierarchies created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Transmission Options Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Transmission Options (used in definition of a repository) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Attribute Security Filters Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Attribute Security Filters (used to grant access to repository attributes) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Record Security Filters Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Record Security Filters (used to grant select privilege to certain rows in repositories) created themselves; must be granted access to others.
File Definitions Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any File Definitions created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Repository Folders Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Repository Folders created themselves; must be granted access to others.
Media Groups Read/Edit/Delete User has Read/Edit/Delete permission by default to any Media Groups created themselves; must be granted access to others.



Add Records/

Delete Records/

Edit Meta Data/

Edit Record Attribute Filter/Record Filter

Read: permission to read repository definition

Edit: permission to Edit items within repository; combine with Edit Record Attribute Filter to determine which attributes have Read/Edit

Delete: permission to delete repository and contents

View: permission to view the repository in context of EnterWorks Content feature listing

SyncIn: permission to use Import to add data to repository

Add Records: permission to add new rows to repository

Delete Records: permission to delete rows from repository

Edit Metadata: permission to change repository properties

  1. Click Save. The changes to the Group Security are saved and an Operation Successful dialog prompt appears.