Creating a Shortcut Widget - EnterWorks - EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX) - Precisely EnterWorks - 10.5

EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide
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The Shortcuts widget can be used to set up quick links to certain functions so users can access them via the Home Page instead of navigating from the Feature Bar. These shortcuts are customized by editing the Shortcuts repository as shown below. The Shortcuts repository is found in the Scheduled Activities or the Workflow folder in the Feature bar.

  1. Open the Shortcuts repository.

  2. Click the Create a new record button .

  1. The Add New record window appears.

  2. In the Shortcut Type field, click the lookup button on the far right to open the dropdown. Select the Shortcut Type.

  1. Click the OK button.

  2. Enter a Name for the Shortcut which will appear in the widget as a link.

  3. Enter a Description for the Shortcut (optional).

  4. Select a Group Name (optional) which will limit the shortcut to a Shortcut Widget to any user within the group.

  5. The Id will be generated by the system when the record is saved.

  6. The default Display Order is last; this can be changed in this field by entering a number.

  7. Click on Details tab to enter the details for the Shortcut Type. The required fields will change based on the Shortcut Type. The example below shows the Repository Listing details.

  1. Select the Repository Name to identify the repository that will open up when the widget link is clicked.

  2. Select the Preference Listing to indicate the Preference View that will be shown when the listing is opened (optional). If no Preference Listing is selected, the default preference will be shown.

  3. Select a Saved Set and/or Saved Search to apply to the repository before displaying the records (optional).

  4. Select a Search Attribute, Search Operator, and Search Value to execute on the repository before displaying the records (optional).

  5. Click the Save button.

  1. When finished creating the Shortcut records, add the Shortcut Widget to the home page (and/or group home page) as shown below.

    1. Click the plus button on the top-right of the Home Page to add a new widget.

    2. Enter a Title for your report widget.

    3. Select the Type = “Shortcuts” from the drop-down list.

    4. Select a different color for the report widget (optional).

    5. Change the Height, if required to show all the shortcut links (optional).

    6. There is no configuration window for this widget.

  1. Click the check button on the top right and the Shortcut widget will be shown.

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

  1. Click the Save button on the top-right of the home page to save the new widget.