Manage a Repository’s Properties - Precisely EnterWorks - EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX) - EnterWorks - 10.5

EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide

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EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide
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To modify a repository’s properties through the EnterWorks Classic UI:

  1. Log into EnterWorks Classic as a user with Administrative privileges.

  1. In the Feature bar, open the Content Feature, select the desired repository, select Edit, and select Properties.

  2. The Properties editor will appear. Edit the properties as desired.

  • Name: (Required) Name of the repository.

  • Description: A description of the repository.

  • Profile: (Required) The repository’s profile is selected when the repository is created. It cannot be changed later.

  • Pre-Staging/Staging/Production: If this repository will be used in a Pre-Staging(optional)/Staging/Production sequence, indicate which one of these the repository will be. Otherwise, leave the field empty.

  • Repository Type:

    • Hierarchy Catalog Repository View: Shows all the records from a Hierarchy properties repository.

    • Web Product Root: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality. Enables the Split/Clone menu option from the Action menu on repository.

    • Web Product: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality. Enables the Clone menu option on the Action menu.

    • Option Type: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality. Allows a user to select multiple variant attributes to split or to enter a count for cloning a product repository record.

    • Option: Pertains only to the Split/Clone functionality.

    • <empty>: If the repository is not one of the types listed above, leave the field empty.

  • Repository Folder: (Required) The folder the repository is stored in.

  • Show Tab: Whether or not the repository’s name will appear in the Feature Bar.

  • Tab Name: (Required) The name of the repository’s tab when it is opened in a Repository View and the name that will appear in the Feature Bar if Show Tab is selected.

  • Sequence: (Required) The sequence object to be used to track record sequence numbers. Repositories can share sequence objects, which means that each record in the repositories has a unique sequence number across all the repositories using that object. Either select an already defined sequence or click the Manage button to define a new sequence:

    • Name: (Required) The name of the sequence.

    • GTIN Prefix: If you want your sequence number to be an auto-generated GTIN then put your GTIN prefix here.

    • Starting Sequence: (Required) The first number in the sequence.

    • Current Max Sequence: This is a displayed value only; not a configuration option. It displays what is currently the highest number in the sequence.

  • Auto-Generate Sequence: If selected, when a record is created, its sequence number will be automatically generated. If not selected, when a record is created, its sequence number must be manually entered.

  • Clone Action:

  • Derive Indicator Digit: Deprecated – no longer in use. Depending on the release version of your EnterWorks system, this configuration option may not appear.

  • Transmission Option: Defines the method of transmitting data exported from the repository, such as the protocol used, modifications to the resulting file name, destination, and any necessary destination-imposed user authentication. Transmission options can be used by more than one repository. Either select an already defined transmission option, or click the Manage button to define a new option.

  • Default Mapping: Deprecated. Use Scheduled Imports instead.

  • Validation Level Post Action: This specifies how to handle default validation levels for a record during the validation process. The validation level for a record can be manually set when the record is listed in a Repository View by using the Set Validation Level menu option. The Validation Level Post Action setting indicates that the record’s default validation level will be automatically increased after the record is validated.

    • Auto Elevate After Validate: If the record is successfully validated with no errors and no warnings, increase the default validation level.

    • Auto Elevate After Validate - Ignore Warnings: If the record is successfully validated with no errors (but it may have warnings), increase the default validation level.

  • Snapshot Language Support: If selected, there will be additional snapshot tables created for this repository. There will be one additional snapshot table for each language enabled in the Language List other than the default language. The name of the table be appended with _<language-code>. These additional snapshot tables will only include the repository’s multilanguage attributes. Using this functionality is expensive in terms of processing time. For more information regarding multi-language snapshot tables, please see the EnterWorks online help at

  • Validate Items after Multi-Edit: If you perform a multi-edit and this option is enabled, EnterWorks will validate the affected records after the edit. If this option is not enabled, after the multi-edit the validation state of the records will be unknown and their validation icon will be the black triangle.

  • Create Category Attribute Snapshot: Deprecated. Not recommended.

  • Links to DAM objects: Indicates that this repository will link to digital assets. If this option is selected, the DAM Link Setup options will appear.

  • DAM Link Setup: These options will appear if Links to DAM objects is selected.

    • Enable DAM Link Trigger: If this option is enabled, the rest of the DAM Link Setup options will appear. If it is enabled, when digital assets are uploaded, EnterWorks will attempt to automatically link each asset to any existing record that has an attribute value that matches the criteria specified in the Attribute Linked to DAM File Name Column setting. For this functionality to work, a link relationship must be defined between this repository and the DamLink repository.

A key limitation to this feature is that if more than one repository is configured to automatically link digital assets, when an asset is uploaded, it will be linked to any records whose attribute matches the specification, in any of those repositories. You may be linking the same digital asset to multiple records in multiple repositories.

  • Attribute Linked to DAM File Name Column: This specifies which attribute’s value will be used to match the pattern specified in the Parsed Token Position or Custom Class setting.

  • Parsed Token Position or Custom Class: This field can hold one of three types of values:

    • “token=<delimeter>;position=<n>: EnterWorks will parse the digital asset’s filename, using the character specified by <delimeter> to divide the name into portions. If the portion in the position specified by <n> matches the value in the attribute specified by Attribute Linked to DAM File Name Column, the record is linked to the asset.

      For example, if this setting’s value is:


And an asset has the filename:


Any record that has the value clothing in the specified attribute will be linked to the asset.

  • A REGEX pattern.

  • A custom callout path.

  • Dam Hierarchy Node Value:

  • DAM Link Include Children:

  • Generate Variants:

    • Enable Variants:

  1. When you have finished editing the configuration options, select Save.