A repository’s edit screens can be customized in the following ways by a Systems Administrator:
Tabs – attributes can be arranged on one or more tabs and the order of the tabs can be specified.
Groups – attributes can be grouped in one or more sections and the order of the groups can be specified.
Group Assignment – attributes can be moved from one group to another.
Attribute order – order of attributes within each group can be specified.
Preference Views – views can be defined for each repository, controlling which attributes are visible. See the “Using Repository Preference Views” section in the User Manual for more information. (Note that if you are using the EnterWorks New UI, in order to see category attributes, the Show Category Attributes checkbox needs to be selected.)
Security – security can be utilized for each repository to control which attributes can be seen and accessed (for example, read-only vs. read and edit). See the “Managing Profiles” section in the Administration Manual for more information.