Adding a Sequence Definition - EnterWorks - EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX) - Precisely EnterWorks - 10.5

EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide

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Precisely EnterWorks > EnterWorks Process Exchange (EPX)
Precisely EnterWorks
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Precisely EnterWorks
EnterWorks Classic Administration Guide
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An auto-generated sequence value for a repository is controlled by the corresponding sequence definition associated to the repository. When a new record is created in the repository and no value for the auto generated id field is provided, the next sequence number is selected from the sequence definition. Even though a sequence definition can be shared by multiple repositories, it is recommended as best practice to create a separate sequence definition for each repository. A repository sequence definition is defined as follows:

  1. Log into EnterWorks Classic as a user assigned to the Administrator group.

  1. Select Repositories from the Quick Links dropdown list on the top right of the screen, or you can open the Feature bar, open the Model tab, and select Repositories.

  2. From the Repository list, single-click to select the repository record that contains the auto-generated sequence attribute.

  1. Select the Edit/Properties option from the Action drop-down menu. The Properties editor will appear.

  2. Select the Auto Generate Sequence checkbox.

  1. Click the Manage button next to the Sequence drop-down list (above the Auto Generate Sequence checkbox) to create a new sequence definition.

NOTE: Sequence definitions can also be accessed via the Model Configurations / Sequences option on the Feature bar.

  1. Enter a Name and Starting Sequence Number for the sequence number definition. Do not include special characters in the name, such as & < > ".

  2. Click the Save button.