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Parcel Boundaries Product Guide

Product type
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Enrich Addresses > Property Features
Parcel Boundaries
Product name
Parcel Boundaries
Parcel Boundaries Product Guide
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Why do I see PLINKIDs in the Property Attributes Assessment product that are not in the Parcel Boundaries product?

Parcel boundaries and property attribution/assessment information are often maintained as separate entities, which sometimes results in assessment information becoming available in Property Attributes Assessment before it's available in Parcel Boundaries.

Why do I see PLINKIDs in Parcel Boundaries that are not in Property Attributes Assessment?

This situation can occur when the requisite link between parcel attribution and property attribution/assessment information is missing. This situation can occur when there is a currency mismatch between the source information used to generate the PLINKID in Parcel Boundaries and the one in Property Attributes Assessment.

Why are there records without addresses in the Parcel Addresses table?

These records typically represent unaddressed parcels, such as vacant land, that can be linked to a Property Attributes Assessment record via the PLINKID. In some cases, address components were removed after being identified as incomplete (last line information only) or as being incorrect from the tax authority. This situation also occurs when there are multiple addresses for the parcel and it is not possible to identify the appropriate addresses to include. There may also be situations where some parcel addresses cannot be confidently geocoded due to issues with source data, but United States Address Fabric indicates that multiple addresses are associated with the parcels in question.

Why does the product contain parcel objects without address records or attribution?

Parcel objects may exist in the few geographies for which there are no associated address records. Use the product statistics file (parcel_boundaries_statistics.xlsx), found in the data folder of the product delivery file, to determine which counties have no address records.