PSYTE™ US Geodemographic Data – Segmentation
PSYTE™ US is a powerful geodemographic classification system that segments US Census Blocks into one of twelve lifestyle groups and 63 mutually exclusive neighborhood types, describing each with a short label. Product data is built on a 2020 Census Block geography base. Demographic and socioeconomic features are tabulated or modeled down to the Census Block level, utilizing the Census Bureau's Demographic and Housing Characteristics data along with annually updated American Community Survey data, plus Precisely's GroundView and Property Attributes products.
Precisely developed a product build environment that refreshes data components annually and creates geodemographic segments that distinguish neighborhood types by maximizing both the difference (statistical distance) between clusters and the similarity (homogeneity) of characteristics within clusters. This ensures that as underlying populations change over time, the change is reflected in PSYTE™ US.
The resulting segments deliver a representative depiction of US neighborhoods that can be used as an effective tool for analyzing markets, gaining market intelligence and insight, and interpreting consumer behavior across the diverse US marketplace. PSYTE™ US geodemographic data can drive successful and profitable target marketing campaigns, as well as market potential and site selection studies, among other use cases.
Refer to the Methodology statement section of this product guide for additional information.
PSYTE™ US Geodemographic Data – Drill-Down Variables
A series of seven highly focused drill-down variables were developed for use alongside the main PSYTE™ US geodemographic segments. These allow users to further explore the following themes:
- Household income (one drill-down variable)
- Life stage (two drill-down variables)
- Property (four drill-down variables)
Each drill-down variable categorizes and describes blocks in accordance with their dominant underlying characteristics.
Refer to the Methodology statement section of this product guide for additional information.