Incorporated and unincorporated places
Incorporated place boundaries are continually updated and enhanced, using current information from government sources.
Unincorporated places that are defined by the Census Bureau as Designated Places are included in Municipal Boundaries (US) for additional reference, but are only updated after each decennial census. Unincorporated places will remain current to 2020 until data from the 2030 census is incorporated in the Municipal Boundaries product, likely sometime in 2031.
Product limitations
Municipal boundary definitions are very dynamic and subject to frequent changes. Precisely provides the best municipal boundary product available, but it is not perfect.
Population figures are taken directly from the US Census Bureau without any modifications. They may include blank fields and fields that may not be correct. Incorporated places that are too new to appear in Census Bureau data or that have a population of zero in Census Bureau data will have a population value of 0 in the product. Census Designated Places (unincorporated areas) will always have a population of 0 in the product.
In Municipal Boundaries (US), Consolidated Cities are associated with a FIPS Class Code of C8.