Service Area - mapreveal_software - mapreveal - 2023 - 2023.1

MapReveal™ Software Guide

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MapInfo > MapReveal™ Software
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MapReveal™ Software
MapReveal™ Software Guide
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This tool produces all the reachable routes at a given distance specified by the input parameter, based on a given network layer. This tool is effective for identifying optimum routes in a specified area by using a more comprehensive approach than the Buffer method.

The Service Area tool can be selected by navigating the following path:

  • Tools > Vector Processing > Network Analysis > Service Area

Once this tool is selected, a window appears in which you can select the data layers and parameters required to run the tool.

  1. Units - Determines the measurement of the distance.

  2. Distance - Determines the service area for the specified area of interest, within which lines are created.

  3. Input Option - There are two ways in which the input layer can be specified.

    • Service Area (Layer) - This option produces a network analysis layer to display all the roads that can be reachable within given distance from each point on the map layer. If you select this option, you must provide a point layer.
    • Service Area (Point) - This option produces a network analysis layer to display all the roads that can be reachable within given distance from the specified point. If you select this option, you can either enter the accurate coordinates of a point, or select a point from the map session using 'Select Point' button.
  4. Select Network Layer - Network dataset layers have an existing symbology of edges, system junctions, dirty areas, turns and traffic on roads. You must have this layer, prior to running this tool.
    Important: In all cases, only line string layers must be considered under Network layers.

The output layer consists of all the reachable routes within a specified distance on the map session layer.

You can view the output after storing it. To save the output, you must enter the Output Layer Name and click on Save Data button. The saved output will be added as a new layer in the current map session, where you can apply styling as required. This output layer will also be available in 'My Data' section and can be used in any map session of interest.