This option allows you to create georeferenced map images for mobile and web applications.
After you have completed creating and customizing your map session layers, you can publish your map session by following the steps below:
- Click on the Dashboard Menu icon at the top right on the map screen and select Publish option from the Navigation Menu.
- The Publish option opens a popup window in which you must select Publish and then enable or disable toggle buttons like Map Legend, Search Bar, Attribute Display and Zoom Range and then select layout as required.
- Click Publish at the bottom of the window to generate URL links for shareable WebMaps.
When the map is published, multiple access URLs are generated that can be implemented as required.
- WebMap URL - This enables you to publish the current version of the map session by creating a URL that other stakeholders can access. The field users will be able to interact with the layers and display feature attributes.
- Layer Data Access API - This enables you to access all the feature attributes of all the layers present in the session.
- Embed iframe - This can be used to embed map session in any external web application or website.
In case a map session is required to be unpublished, you can select the Publish option from the Dashboard Menu and then click on Unpublish in the pop-up window.