Spatial Query - mapreveal - mapreveal_software - 2023 - 2023.1

MapReveal™ Software Guide

Product type
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MapInfo > MapReveal™ Software
Product name
MapReveal™ Software
MapReveal™ Software Guide
Topic type
How Do I
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This option filters data spatially through two options; Select by Location and Select by Graphics.

Select By Location - This tool enables you to select geometries from an input layer based on their location relative to features from a reference layer with respect to their spatial relationship. Clicking on this icon redirects you to a window where you can specify the values for the parameters given below:

  1. Select Features From - Input layer from which the geometries are selected.
  2. Spatial Relationship Type - Selection of geometries from the input layer is based on the following spatial relationships.
    • Intersect - Returns any geometry that either fully or partially overlaps or touches the other geometries.
    • Contain - Returns the geometries of the input layer that fall inside the geometries of the reference layer including its boundaries.
    • Disjoint - Returns the geometries that do not overlap or touch the other geometries either fully or partially.
    • Touch - Returns the geometries that have at least one point in common, but their interiors do not intersect (overlap or touch).
    • Overlap - Returns the geometries that fully or partially overlap, are of the same dimension, but are not completely contained by each other.
    • Are Within - Returns the geometries where the first geometry is completely contained into the second one. Selected features and source features can have overlapping boundaries.
    • Cross - Returns the geometries where the input geometries have some, but not all, interior points in common and the actual crossing is of a lower dimension than the highest input geometry.
  3. Select Reference Layer - Layer that shares features with the input layer based on the selected spatial relationships.

The output produced from this operation is highlighted in blue color on the output layer according to the input provided.

The output can be viewed after storing it. To save the output, you must enter the Output Layer Name and click on the Save Data button. The saved output will be added as a new layer in the current map session, where you can apply styling as required. This output layer will also be available in the 'My Data' section and can be used in any map session of interest.

Select By Graphics - This tool allows you to select features from a layer by drawing either a polygon, line, or point features.

  1. Point Selection - You can select the features by marking a point on the layer. The features that intersect with the point are highlighted.
  2. Polyline Selection - You can select the features by drawing a line on the layer. All the features that intersect with the line are highlighted.
  3. Polygon Selection - You can select the features by drawing a polygon on the layer. All the features that intersect with the polygon are highlighted.

The output can be viewed after storing it. To save the output, you must enter the Output Layer Name and click on the Save Data button. The saved output will be added as a new layer in the current map session, where you can apply styling as required. This output layer will also be available in the 'My Data' section and can be used in any map session of interest.