Coverage & Abbreviations - mapinfo_routefinder_network_premium - Latest

MapInfo RouteFinder Network Premium Product Guide

Product type
Product family
Enrich Streets > Drivetime and Routing
MapInfo Routefinder Network Premium
Product name
MapInfo RouteFinder Network Premium
MapInfo RouteFinder Network Premium Product Guide
First publish date
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MI RouteFinder Network data provides up to date premium street-level navigation data for over 150 countries. The StreetPro - Product and Format Availability Chart lists the availability and release schedule, by country, for the StreetPro family of products, including the MI RouteFinder Network Premium.

The following table provides a list of country names and associated abbreviations used in the product.

Country Abbreviation
Albania ALB
Argentina ARG
Australia AUS
Austria AUT
Bahamas BHS
Bahrain BHR
Belarus BLR
Belgium & Luxembourg BEL
Bermuda BMU
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH
Brazil BRA
British Isles (Great Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland) BRIT_ISLE
Bulgaria BGR
Canada CAN
Chile CHL
China CHN
Croatia HRV
Cuba CUB
Czech Republic CZE
Democratic Republic of Congo COD
Denmark DNK
Egypt EGY
Estonia EST
Finland FIN
France FRA
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Greece GRC
Hong Kong HKG
Hungary HUN
India (International) IND
India (Domestic) INI
Indonesia IDN
Ireland IRL
Ireland and Northern Ireland EIRE_NI
Israel ISR
Italy, Vatican City and San Marino ITA
Japan JPN
Jordan JOR
Kenya KEN
Kosovo RKS
Kuwait KWT
Latvia LVA
Lesotho LSO
Lithuania LTU
Macau MAC
Malaysia MYS
Malta MLT
Mexico MEX
Moldova MDA
Morocco MAR
Mozambique MOZ
New Zealand NZL
Nigeria NGA
Norway NOR
Oman OMN
Paraguay PRY
Philippines PHL
Poland POL
Portugal POR
Qatar QAT
Romania ROU
Russia RUS
Saudi Arabia SAU
Serbia SRB
Singapore SGP
Slovakia SVK
Slovenia SVN
South Africa ZAF
Spain, Andorra and Gibraltar ESP
Sweden SWE
Switzerland & Liechtenstein CHE
Taiwan TWN
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
The Netherlands NLD
Turkey TUR
Ukraine UKR
United Arab Emirates UAE
United Kingdom GBR
United States of America USA
Vietnam VNM
Note: Presently, state or province level products are only offered for AUS, USA, and Canada, on demand.