View tab
Setting | Description |
Long | Longitude at the map center. Decimal degrees. |
Lat | Latitude at the map center. Decimal degrees. |
Target | The world position at the center of the viewport [x,y,x]. |
Bearing | Bearing angle in degrees. 0 (zero) is north. |
Pitch | Pitch angle in degrees. 0 (zero) is top-down. |
Position | Meter offsets of the camera from the long-lat anchor point [x,y,z]. |
Min Pitch | Minimum pitch level to which a map can be set. |
Max Pitch | Maximum pitch level to which a map can be set. |
Min Zoom | Minimum zoom level to which a map can be set. |
Max Zoom | Maximum zoom level to which a map can be set. |
Zoom | Zoom level (Tile lever). Minimum is 0 (zero). |
View Type tab
Setting | Description |
View Type | Choose a view type for the new 3D map. See View Types for more
details. Note: Based on the View
Type selected, the settings available in the
View and View
Type tabs may differ.
Altitude | Distance of the camera relative to the viewport height. |
Fovy | Field of view covered by the camera in the perspective case, in degrees. |
Near | Distance of near clipping plane in meters. |
Far | Distance of fat clipping plane in meters. |
Focal | Modifier of viewport scale. Corresponds to the number of pixels per meter. |
Interaction tab
On 3D Click - Select to control interaction with the 3D map on a click.
Setting | Description |
Select object in original table | Click to select an object in the original table. |
Find Selection | This setting is enabled only when Select object in original table option is selected. |
Show record in Info Window | Click to show the record details in the Info window. |
Info tab
Setting | Description |
Name | Name of the 3D map. |
Location | Location of the 3D map on disc. |
Cache | Name of the cache folder. |
Layer Properties
Layer Type | Description |
3D Layers | Click the + icon to add a new 3D layer. |
2D Layers | Click the + icon to add a new 2D layer. |
Elevation Sources | Click the + icon to add a new elevation source. |
Setting | Description |
Show Layer | Show a layer on the map. Alternatively, you can also select the checkbox beside each layer. |
Hide Layer | Hide a layer on the map. Alternatively, you can also deselect the checkbox beside each layer. |
Selectable On | Enable click and select an object from its layer. Alternatively, you can click on the icon on the right of each layer title to enable. |
Selectable Off | Disable click and select an object from its layer. Alternatively, you can click on the icon on the right of each layer title to disable. |
Extrude On | Enable Extrude polygons property. |
Extrude Off | Disable Extrude polygons property. |
Additional commands
Setting | Description |
View Entire Layer | Click to view the entire layer. |
Move Up | Click to move layer up by one position. |
Move Down | Click to move layer down by one position. |
Set as Clip Layer | Click to render only data within this layer in the 3D map. |
Rename Layer | Click to rename the selected layer. |
Duplicate Layer | Click to create a duplicate layer on the 3D map. |
Delete Layer | Click to delete the selected layer. |
Some settings are shared between all layer types, and some are displayed based on the types of layer added to the 3D map.
Setting | Description |
Filled | Whether to fill polygons, based on the color selected from the color palette. |
Stroked | Whether to draw an outline around the polygon. Note: Both the
outer polygon and the outlines of any holes will be
Width: The width of the polygon's outline, in units, specified by lineWidthUnits (default meters). Available only when the Extrude property in the Height group is not selected. |
Wireframe | Whether to generate a line wireframe of the object. The
outline will have horizontal lines closing the top and bottom
polygons and a vertical line (strut) for each vertex on the
polygon. Available only when the Extrude property in the Height group is selected. |
Opacity | Layer Opacity. From 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque) |
Symbol | The size of the point object, in units specified by radiusUnits (default
pixels) Icon: Render symbols using icons from a MapInfo font. Circle: Render symbols as circle. None: Do not render any symbol. Usually used to label points with text. |
Label | JavaScript expression used to determine label based on table columns. To construct a JavaScript expression using the columns of the table, click "..." to open the Label JavaScript Expression Editor. Label PropertiesUse the Font, Text Color, Outline, Background, etc. properties to style your label. Rotation: The rotating angle of each text label in degrees. Anchor: Horizontal label position relative to the start, middle, or end of the text. Baseline: Horizontal label position relative to the top, center, or bottom of the text. Word Break: Where to wrap text past the maximum width. |
Show Texture | Show elevation mesh using selected color instead of draping texture on it. |
Setting | Description |
Use Object Z | If selected, use the Z value to draw the object either at its own value (absolute) or its own value plus the terrain value (offset). If not selected, the object is draped on the terrain, if any. |
Extrude | Whether to extrude the polygons based on the elevation heights provided by the geometry. If not selected, all the polygons will be flat. |
Absolute | Draw the objects using the elevation/height values. |
Relative to Terrain | Draw the objects using the elevation/height values offset from the values of the terrain. |
Height Expression | The elevation with which to extrude each polygon. If a cartographic projection mode
is used, height will be interpreted as meters; otherwise it will
be in unit coordinates. To construct a JavaScript expression using the columns of the table, click "..." to open the Height JavaScript Expression Editor. |
Override Bounds | Manually set the x, y, and z coordinates of each corner to tilt or rotate the bitmap image. |
Scale | Elevation multiplier. |
Processing Options
Setting | Description |
Re-project | Select to re-project the image. |
Clip Invalid Cells | Select to clip the invalid cells |
Render | Select to render the map. |
Setting | Description |
Clear Cache | Delete the 3D cache file. |
Open Cache Folder | Open the cache folder in Windows Explorer. |
Refresh Data | Regenerate the cached data if the original table has changed. |
Tool Tip
Setting | Description |
Tool Tip | An HTML and JavaScript expression displayed when you hover
over a selectable layer's object. To construct a JavaScript expression using the columns of the table, click "..." to open the Tootip JavaScript Expression Editor. |
More Properties
Styling in the 3D map is defined by DECK.GL properties.
Setting | Description |
Add | Add a new empty DECK.GL property. |
Delete | Delete a DECK.GL property. |
Move Up | Move selected property up one position. |
Move Down | Move selected property down one position. |
Key | Name of the DECK.GL property. |
Type | Type of the DECK.GL property. Determines what type of input you are prompted for. |
Prompt | Label for the input control. |
Help Text | Tool tip on the input control. |
Default Value | A MapBasic expression that is evaluated to return the default value of the input control. A string must be enclosed using double quotes (""). |
Values | A MapBasic expression that is evaluated. Its use depends on the type of the property. |
Properties | Options are: Don't allow empty strings The pattern is a .Net expression. A validation error occurs if the value entered does not match the pattern. Forground Color This is a WPF XAML property on the input text box or combo box. See XAML documentation for allowed values and other properties. Limit string length Input is limited to the number of characters specified. List or values allow multiple select You can select multiple values using checkboxes. The result is a semi-colon limited list in a string. List or Values editable The text box portion of the combo box allows input unless AllowMultiSelect is also true. Numeric Min and Max A validation error occurs if the number is not within the range. Numeric thousands separator The number is displayed with the specified formatting. Wider textbox or combobox This is a WPF XAML property on the input text box or combo box. See XAML documentation for allowed values and other properties. |