MapUploader updates - 2023

MapInfo Pro Release Notes

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapBasic
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo > MapInfo EasyLoader
MapInfo > License Server Utility
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Release Notes
First publish date
Last updated
Published on
New Run URI commands - Ff the NRCreator add-in is registered or running, these commands will work. If not, executing these commands will result in an error.
Table 1.
MapBasic Syntax Description
run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;showServersDialog"
Brings up the Server/Preferences dialog
run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;showPreferencesDialog"
Brings up the Server/Preferences dialog
run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;browseRepositoryFolders\server:port"
//For example,
run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;browseRepositoryFolders\"

Brings up a dialog to select a repository folder path. This path is where the named table resource is created.

The login dialog will be presented if you are not logged in.

The selected folder path is returned in a global string variable in the add-in named CommandUriResult in JSON format.

An empty string is returned if canceled or an error occurs.

run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;browseNamedConnections\server:port"
//For example,
run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;browseNamedConnections\"

Brings up a dialog to select a named connection. This connection is where the table will be uploaded.

The login dialog will be presented if you are not logged in.

The selected connection repository path is returned in a global string variable in the add-in named CommandUriResult in JSON format.

An empty string is returned if canceled or an error occurs.

run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;browseConnectionFolders\server:port/
//For example, 
run uri "mapinfopro://application:NRCreatorAddIn.mbx;browseConnectionFolders\\/Samples/NamedConnections/SampleData"

Brings up a dialog to select a data folder path from a named connection.

This connection is where the tables data will be uploaded

The login dialog will be presented if you are not logged in.

The selected folder path is returned in a global string variable in the add-in named "CommandUriResult in JSON format.

An empty string is returned if canceled or an error occurs.

For the commands that return a result in a global variable inside the NRCreator.mbx – the value can be obtained in three ways:

  • through the IMapBasicApplication interface on the object model
  • through the COM interface
  • through DDE