Printing in MapInfo Pro - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Printing Guide

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Printing Guide
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Before you start printing your map, you may want to create a new layout so you can arrange your maps, legends, titles for the best effect. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click New Document, and click Layout from the list to put together a more effective presentation. We recommend that you use Layout windows for printing because it ties directly to the printer driver.

To print a map or layout from MapInfo Pro:

  1. When you have your map or layout the way you want it, on the HOME tab, in the Output group, click Print to open the Print dialog box.
    Note: When you print a layout, the Options and Advanced buttons do not display.

    The Output drop-down list in the Page group of LAYOUT tab has commands for Page Setup, Print, Create and Save Image operations. If an embedded window frame is active in the Layout window, then the entire layout in the Layout window prints.

    You can print all pages of a multi-page layout or a subset of them. The default is all pages.

  2. Click Page Setup before printing a layout to change the printer and page settings, which you can see on screen before printing.
  3. If printing a map, select the print range of your output and the number of copies you want.
  4. To set more print options, click the Options button in the Print dialog box, to open the Map Print Options dialog box.
    Note: You cannot select these options for a layout.
  5. Make your selections and click OK to return to the Print dialog box.
    • Map Size – Select the size of the map in this group; the options are Window Size, Fit to Page, and Custom. As you make selections, the Custom Scale, Custom Width and Custom Height entries change.
    • Window Size – Click this button to print the map as it displays on your computer screen.
    • Fit to Page – Click this button to fit the map to the page size you selected in preferences.
    • Custom – Click this button to enter your own custom scale, width, and height entries in the fields provided.