Connection Failures - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Licensing and Activation

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Licensing and Activation
First publish date
Last edition
Last publish date

Failure to connect to the license server can occur for several reasons.

First, although you may know the license server name and port number, the license server administrator may not have had an opportunity to install it yet. In this case, MapInfo Pro cannot find the license server you specified. To use MapInfo Pro, you can start the courtesy period, then connect when you know that the license server has been installed and is running.

Failures can also occur if the license server has been moved to a different computer. In this case, you were previously able to connect to the license server, but the license server was moved since the last time you used MapInfo Pro. MapInfo Pro is looking for the license server in its previous location. If MapInfo Pro cannot connect to the license server at startup, the Connect to License Server dialog opens. For more information, see Connecting after Installation. See your license server administrator for the correct license server name.

Finally, if all licenses have been checked out, you will not be able to run MapInfo Pro. You are able to connect to the license server, but you cannot check out a license because they are all in use. You will need to wait until a license becomes available before you can check out a license.