Opening WMS .TAB Files - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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To open a previously saved WMS TAB file:

  1. On the HOME tab, in the File group, click Open, and Table to open the Open dialog box.
  2. Browse to the folder directory where you have the TAB file saved.
  3. From the Preferred View drop-down list, select the view you want of this data. MapInfo Pro remembers your selection and uses it for every subsequent selection until you change it.
    • Automatic - MapInfo Pro chooses the most appropriate view. If the data is mappable, such as when graphic objects are attached to the data, MapInfo Pro opens the table in a Map window. If you have a Map window displayed and the table you want to open is mappable, MapInfo Pro automatically opens the table in the current Map window. If the data is not mappable, MapInfo Pro will attempt to open the table in a Browser window. If the table cannot be mapped or browsed, MapInfo Pro opens the table using the No View option (no data is displayed).
    • Browser - MapInfo Pro attempts to open the table in a Browser window.
    • Current Mapper - MapInfo Pro attempts to add your data to the current Map window.
    • New Mapper - MapInfo Pro attempts to open the table in a new Map window.
    • No View - MapInfo Pro opens the table making the data available for other uses, but no data is displayed. You will see it in the Tables list in the Explorer window.
  4. Click Open.

To create a WMS layer, and to save it as a TAB file, follow the instructions in Accessing WMS Data.

Note: Opening a previously saved WMS TAB file requires a working connection to the intranet or Internet.