Resolving WFS-T Data Conflicts - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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If the data on the WFS server has changed since you downloaded it, you may not want to make your changes right away. The Conflict Resolution subsystem allows you to review the changes to be made so you can determine whether to upload your changes anyway or refresh your local layers with the server's changes.

To resolve conflicts with data on the server:

  1. On the HOME tab, in the File group, on the Open list, click Feature (WFS), and select a WFS table in the Open WFS Table dialog box.
  2. Make your changes to the WFS layer and click Save. If a conflict exists, the Resolve Conflicts dialog box displays.

    Here, you decide to overwrite the servers data with your data, use the data on the server instead of yours, or save your data locally and leave the server data as it is. You can choose to resolve conflicts Automatically or Interactively.

    • Automatic Conflict Resolution: Use this method to treat all of the changes you have made the same way and either upload them and overwrite the server's data or save your changes locally and leave the server records as they are. This method is faster but less flexible.
    • Interactive Conflict Resolution: Use this method to investigate each record in conflict and decide individually which records to overwrite and which records to leave as they are on the server. This method is slower but more precise.

Automatic Conflict Resolution Method: If you know you want to overwrite the server data with your edited data in all cases, or if you want to keep the server data as it is in all cases, click Automatic.

In the Resolve Conflicts Automatically dialog box, select either Current MapInfo Values or the Current Server Values and then click OK.

After your conflicts are resolved, click OK to confirm your choices. The application applies as many changes to the server as possible.

Interactive Conflict Resolution Method: Each record displays individually. For each record, do one of the following:

  • To overwrite the server's data with your changes, click MapInfo.
  • To maintain the server's data, click Server.
  • To save this data locally and skip this record, click Stop Commit.

    Stop Commit stops the entire "save to the server" process. That is, if you are working in Interactive Mode and you select Stop Commit, any changes you have accepted up to this point are saved locally but are not saved to the server. If you want to commit these changes to the server later, begin this process again.

After your conflicts are resolved, click OK to confirm your choices. The application applies as many changes to the server as possible.