Creating a Map Tile Server Table for MapXtreme.NET Tile Server - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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MapInfo Pro provides access to the Microsoft Bing tile server, so there is no setup required to access it (see Adding a Bing Layer to your Map). Separate instructions are provided for setting up a mapping tile server table for use with a Google Enterprise tile server (see Creating a Map Tile Server Table for Google Earth Enterprise Tile Server).

For MapXtreme.NET tile servers, you must specify the exact information to use through a MapBasic command called Create Table.

To setup a tile server table:

  1. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click Tool Windows, and click MapBasic from the list, to open the MapBasic window.
  2. Use one of the following examples as a template to create a tile server table. Copy and paste the command in to the MapBasic window and then update the command with your information (change the text in bold in these examples). Run the command by pressing the Enter key.

MapInfo Developer tile server

Create Table MIDev_TileServer 
File "MIDev_TileServer" 
TileType "LevelRowColumn" 
AttributionText "required attribution text" 
StartTileNum 1 
MaxLevel 20 
Height 256 
CoordSys Earth Projection 10, 157, 7, 0 Bounds(-20037508.34,-
20037508.34) (20037508.34,20037508.34)

MapXtreme.NET tile server:

Create Table MXT_TileServer 
File "MXT_TileServer" 
TileType "LevelRowColumn" 
AttributionText "required attribution text"Font("Calibri",255,16,0,255)
MaxLevel 20 
Height 256 
RequestTimeout 90
ReadTimeout 60 
CoordSys Earth Projection 10, 157, 7, 0 Bounds(-20037508.34,-
20037508.34) (20037508.34,20037508.34)

Items in bold in these examples are necessary information that you supply for accessing a specific tile server:

  • Table is the name of the table as you want it to appear in MapInfo Pro.
  • Type is the name of the tile server this table will use (currently supports "LevelRowColumn"). This value represents the way the Tile Server retrieves the tiles.
  • URL is the fully qualified URL to request a tile from a tile server. The URL will contain tags that are special strings that will be used to retrieve particular tiles. The placement depends on server URL syntax requirements.
    • {LEVEL} will be used internally to specify the level number (Z-value)
    • {ROW} will be internally to specify the tile row number (Y-value)
    • {COL} will be internally to specify the tile column number (X-value)
  • AttributionText is the attribution text that will be displayed on the Map window. A font_clause can be used to set the font style when the attribution text will be displayed. The attribution text should be the attribution legally required by the provider of the server.

Syntax details for the Create Table command are provided in the MapBasic Reference.

MapInfo Pro cannot reproject a tile server, so it will reproject the map to match the coordinate system of the tile server data. You are unable to change the coordinate system for the map when it includes a tile server layer.