S Category: Street Level Match - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro Help
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Street level geocoded candidates return a result code beginning with the letter S. The second character in the code indicates the positional accuracy of the resulting point for the geocoded record.

Result Code Description
S8 Single match with the point located at either the single point associated with an address point candidate or at an address point candidate that shares the same house number. No interpolation is required.
S7 Single match with the point located at an interpolated point along a street segment. Both a point dictionary and a street segment dictionary must be available. Because known point data is available, the S7 interpolation is more accurate than an S5 result.
S6 Single match with the point located at Postal Code centroid.
S5 Single match with the point located at a street address position. Because only street segment data is available, the interpolation is not as accurate as an S7 return The S5 code is followed by letters and dashes indicating match precision.
S4 Single match with the point located at a street centroid.
S3 Single match with the point located at a Secondary Postal Code centroid. This is the same quality match as a Z3 result.
S2 Single match with the point located at a Primary Postal Code centroid. This is the same quality match as a Z2 result.
S1 Single match with the point located at a Postal Code centroid. This is the same quality match as a Z1 result.
S0 Single match, however, no coordinates are available.
SX Single match with the point located at street intersection.
SC Single match where the original point has been moved a specified distance (usually along a perpendicular line) toward or away from the associated street segment.

In general, this result code can be returned only when both a point dictionary and a street segment dictionary are available and when the centerline offset feature is used.

For United States, this result code can be returned only when both a point Geocode dataset and a street segment Geocode dataset are available and when the centerline offset feature is used.

The S category result codes vary for Australia and Canada. For the respective result codes, see the sections:

For S category of result codes, eight additional characters describe how closely the address matches an address in the database. The characters appear in the order listed in the following table. Any non-matched components are represented by a dash.

For example, the result code S5--N-SCZA represents a single match that matched the street name, street suffix direction, town and postcode. The dashes indicate that there was no match on house number, street prefix direction, or thoroughfare type. The match came from the Street Range Address database. This record would be geocoded at the street address position of the match candidate.

Result Code Description
H House number match.

Street prefix (pre-directional).

P is present if any of these conditions are satisfied:

  • The candidate pre-directional matches the input pre-directional.
  • The candidate post-directional matches the input pre-directional after pre- and post-directionals are swapped.
  • The input does not have a pre-directional.
N Street name match.
T Street/thoroughfare type match.

Street suffix (post-directional).

S is present if any of these conditions are satisfied:

  • The candidate post-directional matches the input post-directional.
  • The candidate pre-directional matches the input post-directional after pre- and post-directionals are swapped.
  • The input does not have a post-directional.
C City or Town match (this is usually the city or town).
Z Postal code match.
A or U Match to Address Dictionary or User Dictionary.