Matches in the M category indicate that there is more than one match candidate for the record and the geocoding service has chosen the best one of those candidates. This category displays when you select the automatic option and the geocoding service finds more than one strong match candidate.
Result Code | Description |
M1 | Multiple matches, point located at Postal Code centroid |
M2 | Multiple matches, point located at Primary Postal Code centroid |
M3 | Multiple matches, point located at Secondary Postal Code centroid |
M4 | Multiple matches, point located at the center of a shape point path (shape points define the shape of the street polyline) |
M5 | Multiple matches, point located at a street address position (highest accuracy available) |
M6 | Multiple matches, point located at point Postal Code location |
MX | Multiple matches, point located at street intersection |
M0 | Multiple matches, no coordinates available |