Setting the Advanced Output Options for Service Geocoding - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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To set the advanced output options for service geocoding:

  1. Complete the instructions in Geocoding a Table using a Geocoding Service to display the Geocode Properties dialog box, Advanced Output tab.
    Note: Click the Advanced Output tab to specify the advanced output features of the geocoded data.

    Output Table Name - Specifies the output table you selected in the Geocode Using Server dialog box.

    Key Column - Entering data here is optional but allows you to relate the data from the input table column to the output table column. This is useful for joining the two tables later.

    Note: The Input Table Column and Output Table Column options only enable when you select different input and output tables.

    Input Table Column - Use this drop-down list to specify the input table column for the geocoding process. When you scroll to the bottom of this list, there are two additional entries: RowID and Expression. The RowID option places the row number from the input table into the output table. The Expression option allows you to create an expression (such as; FirstName + LastName) of data from the input table and places the results in the specified output table.

    Output Table Column - Use this drop-down list to specify the output column into which the geocoding results should be placed.

    Local Geocoder Options - Used to output additional information that is specific to a certain geocoder (as in Census). In the left column, select the geocoder fields you would like to track data from and in the right column select the output column for the results.

    Note: You need to know the geocoder specific tag, which can vary by geocode server and country.

    You can select up to 4 additional input geocoder fields and associated output columns.

  2. When you have completed these selections and entries, you are ready to select other geocoding settings or click Geocode to begin the geocoding process. See: