You can get more information about setting up a geocoding server in Setting up a Geocoding Server. A table must be open to enable the Geocode using Server command.
To set the geocoding server preferences:
- On the PRO tab, click Options, and Web Services to open the Web Services Preferences dialog box.
Click the Geocode tab to display the Geocoding server options.
This tab sets the geocoding server timeout and maintenance options.
Set any of the following preferences for your server:
- Offset From Road - Use this field to indicate the default distance the geocoded point should be from the road, if applicable.
- Offset From Corner - Use this field to indicate the default distance the geocoded point should be from the corner, if applicable.
- Units - Use this field to indicate the units for the previous entries.
- Dictionary - Use this drop-down list to choose the dictionary option that you want the geocoder to use (Address or User). These libraries exist on the service. Not all dictionary types may exist on all services. There are a maximum of five (5) options:
- Select All Dictionaries - Select this option to use both the user and address dictionaries.
- Address Dictionary Only - Select this option to use only the service's address dictionary and not the user's dictionary.
- User Dictionary Only - Select this option to use only the user's address dictionary and not the service's address dictionary
- Prefer Address over User - Select this option to use the service's address dictionary before the user's address dictionary. This option is the default.
- Prefer User over Address - Select this option to use the user's address dictionary before the service's address dictionary.
- Number of Addresses to Batch - Use this option to specify how many addresses you want to send to the geocoding service at a time. The number of addresses you send at a time can affect performance.
- Default Timeout Values - Use these timeout values to set the communication parameters for the geocoding service. You can override these defaults on a per-service basis locally by editing the service in the Services list and specifying the override.
Note: When you set the time out values locally, you may want to keep in mind the size of your request. The more complicated your request, the more time may be required for connection/sending/receiving.
- Connect Timeout - Use this setting to indicate the amount of time to establish an Internet connection to the service. If the request takes longer than this value, a timeout occurs. The default connect time out is 60 seconds.
- Send Timeout - Use this setting to indicate the amount of time to send an Internet request to the service. If the request takes longer than this value, a timeout occurs. The default send time out is 60 seconds.
- Receive Timeout - Use this setting to indicate the amount of time to begin to receive a response from a request to the service. The download can take longer than the time out, but the response has to occur within the timeout setting. The default receive time out is 300 seconds.
- Mark Multiple Match when Automatic Geocoding - Select this check box to display a result code of M when you are performing automatic geocoding and there are multiple matches for an address. If you do not select this option, and there are close matches, the system displays an S for street only. For more information, see Understanding the Geocoding Result Codes.
- Symbol - Click to set the default symbol style for the points you are creating for geocoding. You can override it during a geocoding operation using Symbol Style in the Common Options tab.
- Servers - Click Servers to display the Geocoding Servers List, where you can add, edit, and delete MapMarker, Envinsa, or Global Geocoder geocoding servers. This list is the same as you would see when you select the Servers button in the Geocode Using Servers and the Find Address dialog box.
Note: If you are using Precisely Global Geocoding Server, you do not need to enter the server information manually. MapInfo Pro automatically adds it to the servers list.
- Click OK to close the dialog and save your settings.