To control the order of districts in the Districts Browser, on the MAP tab, in the Options group, click Redistricter, and Options to open the Redistricter Options dialog box. Choose your preferred sort order from among: most recently used, alphabetical, or unordered. You can also choose to show the Browser grid lines and save the options as your default.
The Most Recently Used option can greatly aid you if you have more districts than the Districts Browser can display in a window. Whenever you select a map object that belongs to a district that is not currently visible in the Browser, MapInfo Pro will move that record near the top of the Browser window. You can then more easily set the new target district or view the changes in the data fields as you carry out your load-balancing scenario.
Changing the display of your districts is simple. Click the fill pattern, line style, or symbol in the Districts Browser that represents the district. The Region Style, Line Style, or Symbol Style dialog box displays, where you can change the tools used to display the district.
To save the style changes, you must save the redistricting session as a workspace. Save Table will only save the district assignment changes. The styles belong to a thematic layer, not to the table itself. The district changes are applied to the table and, thus, can be saved to the table.
Records with No Graphic Objects
Redistricting involves grouping map objects into districts. If you are redistricting a table that contains records that do not have graphic objects associated with them, keep in mind that MapInfo Pro includes them as well in the Districts Browser. You cannot assign these records to new districts. They will affect your data calculations when you move objects into new districts.
If you have numerous records without graphic objects in your table, it may be best to create and save a subset of the table and run the Redistricter on the new table.