Beginning a Redistricting Session - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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To begin a redistricting session:

  1. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click New Document, and click Redistricter from the list, to open the New Redistrict Window dialog box.
  2. Choose the table from the Source Table drop-down list that contains the map objects you wish to redistrict.
  3. Choose the column from the District Field drop-down list that MapInfo Pro should use to store district names.
    During the redistricting process, MapInfo Pro automatically overwrites the contents of the District field. Therefore, you must choose a District field carefully.

    If you are performing redistricting for the first time, you may want to add a new column to your table, and then use the new column as the district column. To add a new column to your table, on the TABLE tab, in the Maintenance group, click Table, and Modify Structure. If the View/Modify Table Structure dialog box opens, then select a table from the list and click OK.

    The Available Fields list and the Fields to Browse list work together. Available Fields contains a list of column expressions. You can move some or all of these column expressions to the Fields to Browse list. Each column that you move to the Fields to Browse list displays in the Districts Browser.

  4. Move an expression to the Fields to Browse list.
  5. Choose an expression from the Available Fields list.
  6. Choose the << button or remove an expression from the Fields to Browse list.
  7. Choose an expression from the Fields to Browse list.
  8. Choose the >> button to add fields.
  9. Choose Up or Down to reorder fields and click OK.

When you choose OK, MapInfo Pro builds a special table called Districts, and displays the table in a Districts Browser. As long as the Districts Browser is on the screen, MapInfo Pro performs districting calculations every time you select or de-select map objects.