Using "Snap To" to Select Nodes and Centroids - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro Help
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You can use nodes to reshape an object and align objects with each another. MapInfo Pro refers to this process as snapping to a node. In the Map window, regions, polylines, lines, arcs and rectangles all have nodes that can be attached (or snapped) to each other. When the Snap mode is enabled, MapInfo Pro searches for nodes and centroids as you move around a window. MapInfo Pro automatically snaps the cursor to a node or centroid when the cursor comes within the snap tolerance of the node. The crosshairs display when the node is "snapped to".

Note: You can also use the snap to capability to snap to visible centroids in region objects.

To toggle Snap to Nodes, press the S key. The Status Bar displays with the word "SNAP" when Snap mode is activated. When you activate the Snap mode, a circle displays around your cursor showing the size of the tolerance of the Snap mode in pixels. The S key acts like a toggle on/off switch. You can set the snap tolerance in pixels in the Map Window Preferences dialog box. The Snap Tolerance field allows you to specify a tolerance. If you set the snap tolerance to 3 pixels, whenever you move the cursor within 3 pixels of a node, the cursor will snap to the node.

Snap mode works in the Map window and a map in a Layout window (but not raster layers). It works with all MapInfo Pro commands except Pan, Drag Map, and Text command. Additionally, snap mode works on object types, including regions, points, multipoints, collection objects, lines and polylines, rectangles, and arcs. It is not available for text objects, ellipses, and rounded rectangles. You set the Snap in one window at a time and can save it with your workspace.

Snap to Nodes applies to all selectable layers-this is useful if you are drawing an object in one layer and want to attach it to an object in another layer. If you do not want to snap to objects in certain layers, make those layers unselectable. The Snap and Thin settings remove self-intersections and overlaps in your data based on values you set. When you complete your selections and entries in the Set Values for Node Snap & Thinning dialog box, MapInfo Pro saves these values to the table's metadata. This allows the Snap and Thin changes to be retrieved in the dialog box after the table is saved or the user has left MapInfo Pro.

Snap and Thin Settings Saved in Metadata

The Snap and Thin settings remove self-intersections and overlaps in your data based on values you establish. When you complete your selections and entries in the Set Values for Node Snap & Thinning dialog box, MapInfo Pro saves these values to the table's metadata. This allows the Snap and Thin changes to be retrieved after the table is saved or you have left MapInfo Pro.

Preference for Visible Snap Area

The snap radius is visible when Snap mode is on. The Map Window Preferences dialog box has a Display Snap Radius check box that controls whether or not the snap radius displays when Snap mode is on. The snap tolerance (in pixels) can also be selected.

  • From the PRO tab, select Options, then Map Window to display the Map Window Preferences dialog box: