Editing Street Maps (StreetPro) - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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MapInfo Pro sells street maps for every county in the United States. If you have purchased any of these StreetPro maps, you will need to know how to edit them. You can add and delete streets, rename streets, or edit existing streets.

We have included a StreetPro file with your sample data. This map contains streets in San Francisco, California (SF_STRTS.TAB).

StreetPro files are read-only files; you cannot change them. But, associated with each StreetPro file are two files that you can change: SF_STRT1.TAB and SF_STRT2.TAB. SF_STRT1 contains the graphic information about the streets and address ranges for each segment (hence, we will call it the segments file). SF_STRT2 contains the street names (we will call it the names file).

These two files are associated through a field called MI_REFNUM, which contains a reference number. A segment with a reference number 23 in SF_STRT1 will be associated with the name in SF_STRT2 that has the same reference number.

The other fields in the segments file are:

  • FromLeftStarting point of address numbers, left side of the street.
  • ToLeftEnding point of address numbers, left side of the street.
  • FromRightStarting point of address numbers, right side of the street.
  • ToRightEnding point of address numbers, right side of street.
  • TypeThese numbers indicate the type of street or highway.

Adding a Segment to an Existing Street

Let us assume you want to add a segment to an existing street or want to add a street for which a name already exists.

When you want to add a segment to an existing street, you already know that the street name is in the name file.

Adding a street where the name already exists is not as odd a situation as you might imagine since StreetPro maps are county-wide. You might want to add Poplar St to one town. If another town already has a Poplar St, then you do not need to add that name to the name file since it contains all the names used in the county. To find out whether a name already exists in the name file, use the Find command on the SPATIAL tab.

In either case the basic idea is that you have to add a new record to the segments file and associate that record to the name file through the reference number. Assume we are working in the Washington D.C. files; the procedure is the same for any StreetPro file.

  1. On the HOME tab, in the File group, click Open and select to open the DCWASHS, DC_STRTS, AND DC_ZIP files.
  2. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click Tool Windows, and click Layers from the list, to open the Layers window.

    Click the Editable icon beside the DCWASH layer name to turn On editing.

    Click the Selectable icon beside the DC_STRTS layer name to turn On selection.

  3. On the MAP tab, in the Selection group, click Find locate the street you want to edit.
  4. On the MAP tab, in the Options group, click Map Tools, and click Info to open the Info window. And now click the street. Scroll through the Info window until you locate the MI_REFNUM (MapInfo Pro reference number) field. Make a note of that number.
  5. Go to the DCWASHS layer in the Map window and draw the new segment. By setting the Snap to Nodes mode (on the SPATIAL tab, in the Edit group), MapInfo Pro will guide you to connect the node from the existing street with the node from the new segment.
  6. Click the new segment with the Info command. Type the appropriate textual information, address ranges, street type, and MapInfo Pro reference number.
  7. Repeat the process for each additional new segment.

Adding a New Street

Let us consider the case where you want to add a completely new street. Since the street is new, you have to make changes in both DCWASHS1 and DCWASHS2. The following procedure will work with any StreetPro file.

  1. Open DC_STRTS and DCWASHS1 in a Map window.
  2. Open DCWASHS2 as a Browser and make it the active window.
  3. On the TABLE tab, in the Edit group, click Add New Row.

    Scroll down to the bottom of the Browser. MapInfo Pro appends an empty row to the Browser.

  4. Type the name of the street into the empty record.
  5. The new street name also needs a corresponding MI_REFNUM. The easiest way to select a reference number is to keep these numbers continuous. Simply add 1 to the last MI_REFNUM listed in the Browser. Use that number as the MI_REFNUM for your new street name.
  6. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click Tool Windows, and click Layers from the list, to open the Layers window.

    Click the Editable icon beside the DCWASHS1 layer name to turn On editing.

    Click the Selectable icon beside the DC_STRTS layer name to turn On selection.

  7. Draw the new segment on the DCWASHS1 layer.
  8. Click the new segment with the Info command. Type the appropriate textual information, address ranges, street type, and the new MapInfo Pro reference number.
  9. Repeat the process for each additional new segment.

Renaming a Street

If you want to rename a street, simply change its name in the name file, which is the S2 file in StreetPro. Note that changing a name in that way affects all segments that reference it.

For instance, if you want to change the name of Broadway in one town, you have to make sure there are not other towns in the county that also have a Broadway. If there are, then you have to add the new street name to the names file and give it a reference number. You would then go into the segments file and give the new reference number to those segments you want to change.

If you want to rename only a part of the street, you have to add a new record to the names file, give that record a new reference number, and then assign that new reference number to the appropriate segments in the segments file.

How do you find those segments? One way would be to call up a Map window of the town and select the segments using the Select command. Those segment records will then be highlighted in the Browser, where you can change their reference number.

Editing Street Colors

You can change the street colors and line types in StreetPro maps. For example you might want to do this to indicate streets under repair or all streets that make up a sanitation pickup route.

  1. Open the street file in a Map window.
  2. On the HOME tab, in the Windows group, click Tool Windows, and click Layers from the list, to open the Layers window.

    Click the Editable icon beside the street layer name to turn On editing.

  3. Select all the streets you want to change.
  4. On the SPATIAL tab, in the Create group, click Style, and Line Style.
  5. Select a line width, line style, and color and then click OK.
  6. To save your changes, on the the HOME tab, in the File group, click Save.

    You can use any method to select the streets, depending on the nature of the situation. You can use the Select command to click the segments, one-by-one. You could also use the Radius Selection, Marquee Selection, or Boundary Selection commands, or the SQL Select or Select commands.