When you double-click a region, line, point or text object with the Select command, MapInfo Pro opens the Object Attribute dialog box where you can control the object's size, position, and information specific to the object.
For example, if you double-click a region, MapInfo Pro displays the perimeter, centroid, and area. It also shows the type of distance calculation that was used to obtain these values.
If the layer is selectable but not editable, you can only view these attributes. If the layer is also editable, then you can change these attributes by typing new values into the text boxes of the dialog box. The illustration above shows the Object Attribute dialog box for a region object in an editable layer.
Changing an object's size and position with the Object Attribute dialog box gives you much greater control over its exact size and position than you have through drawing it on the screen. For example, you have a list of ten radio towers and their X and Y coordinates. You could geocode these points using the Create Points command. However, if you open the Points Object Attribute dialog box and type the new X and Y coordinates, you can create ten points with the Symbol tool and then individually place them in the correct location.
You can also use the Text Object Attribute dialog box to change the point's actual text. For example, you have typed the title "World Population" on a Map window. You want to fix your typographical error. Bring up the Object Attribute dialog box for the text object. You can correct your error in the box that displays the text.
Changing Attributes For Multiple Layers
Using the multi-select functionality, it is possible to change the attributes of multiple layers at once.
To change the visible attribute for multiple layers:
- In the Layers window, do one of the following:
- Press and hold the Shift key and select a contiguous block of layers
- Press and hold the Ctrl key and select multiple layers that are out of sequence
- Check the Visible On/Off check box for one of the layers. All of the other layers in your selection are also set to be visible.
Note: If a layer you selected was already visible, this process makes the layer invisible.
- Click OK to save your changes.
To change the Selectable attribute for multiple layers:
- In the Layers window, do one of the following:
- Press and hold down the Shift key and select a contiguous block of layers
- Press and hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple layers that are out of sequence
- Click the Selectable icon for one of the layers. All of the other layers in your selection are also set to Selectable.
Note: If a layer you selected was already selectable, this process makes the layer unselectable.
- Click OK to save your changes.