Browsing a Table - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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There are times when viewing the tabular data in a table is necessary. In MapInfo Pro, this is called browsing the table.

To browse a table:

  1. On the TABLE tab, click New Browser.
  2. Choose the table you wish to browse and click OK.

The Browser shows the fields of the data table (column headings) and the records of data (rows).

A Browse command item gives you further functionality. With the Browser window active, on the TABLE tab, click Pick Fields from the Browser Tools group, to display only the columns of data you want to see. If you wish to show information that is only implicit in the base table, in the Pick Fields dialog box, choose Expression from the Fields in Table list. For more on expressions see Deriving Columns, or Creating Query Expressions.

To show or hide the Browser window grid, on the PRO tab, click Options, and Legend Window. Enable or disable the Display Grid by Default option.

To add new records to the Browser:

  1. On the TABLE tab, click Add New Row from the Edit group to add a row (or use Ctrl-E).
  2. Enter text directly into each field. As you type, press Tab or Shift+Tab to move from field to field.
  3. You must remember to save the new information to the base table before exiting the program.

Click the row header, to the left of each row in the Browser window, to select a row. If the Map window for the table is open, the record is selected as well. To add records to the selection, Shift and drag to select consecutive records, or CTRL-click non-consecutive records.

Selecting records creates a subset of the table that you can browse or map just like the full table. More on selecting is found later in Selecting and Querying Data.