After you have brought your data into MapInfo and created .TAB files, you can manage them within MapInfo Pro. You can view any database table in MapInfo Pro, once you have converted it to MapInfo format. Additionally you can add or remove fields, change the order, name, type, width, or index of any field. You can also specify or determine the projection of the table from this dialog box. You can also check if the table is mappable (contains map objects). To make these types of changes, see Editing a Table's Structure.
Keep in mind that you can only view the structure of a spreadsheet or database file that you convert into MapInfo Pro's table structure. See How Do I Get My Data on the Map? for these instructions.
To view the structure of a table, on the TABLE tab, in the Sort and Filter group, click the Table command list and choose Modify Structure. The View/Modify Table Structure dialog box displays.