Working with Styles in DBMS Tables - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro Help
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A table may use one style for all objects within a table, or contain different styles for each row, called per row styles (per row style is optional). There are two requirements for setting up per row styles:

  • A row must exist in the DBMS table
  • You must set up a map catalog entry to activate the row style.

Using Per Row Styles for DBMS Table Layers

Per Row Styles allows the use of different object styles on a remote database. You can modify the styles of individual objects or groups of objects and save them to a DBMS table. To use Per Row Styles, the DBMS table must be set up correctly, and your MapInfo_MapCatalog must have the appropriate structure:

  • The MapInfo_MapCatalog must contain columns that support the use of styles. They are: RENDITIONTYPE, RENDITIONCOLUMN, and RENDITIONTABLE.
  • The map table itself must have a character column wide enough to store the complete style string. Style strings vary in width. We recommend a minimum of 50 characters be provided. If you plan to use custom symbols, which use much longer strings, allow 200 characters.
  • The entry for the table in the MapInfo_MapCatalog must be set correctly. This means that the RENDITIONTYPE is 1, and the RENDITIONCOLUMN contains the name of the column that will contain the style string. This entry is set by MapInfo EasyLoader if the MapInfo_MapCatalog contains the new columns, or it may be set using the Make Table Mappable function.

See also: MapInfo EasyLoader

Changing the Symbol Style in a Mappable DBMS Table

The Change DBMS Table Symbol command option allows you to change the symbol attributes for the point objects in a mappable DBMS table.

  1. On the TABLE tab, in the Maintenance group, click Database, and Change DBMS Table Symbol to open the Select DBMS Table dialog box.
  2. Select a table. Only mappable DBMS tables display.
  3. In the Change Table Object Style dialog box, specify new style attributes for the objects in the selected table.
  4. Refresh the linked table for the style change to take effect.