Use the Make Table Mappable command only for tables that you did not previously upload with MapInfo EasyLoader, or save to the database through MapInfo Pro.
Before you begin, you must have a data source connect to the database containing the table to map. For instructions, see Creating a Data Source Connection.
To make a table mappable:
- On the TABLE tab, in the Maintenance group, click Database, and Make DBMS Table Mappable.
- In the Select DBMS Table dialog box, select the DBMS table you want to make mappable and click Open.
- In the Make Table Mappable dialog box, select from the options and then click OK to make the table mappable. For option descriptions, see Make Table Mappable dialog box Options.
- A message dialog displays to tell you that the table has been made mappable. Click OK.
- The Select DBMS Table dialog displays. Select the table to make mappable and click Open. Click Cancel if you do not want to make tables mappable.
After making a table mappable, you are ready to begin working with it in MapInfo Pro. Continue to:
Make Table Mappable dialog box Options
Index Type
Select the spatial index type of the column that has the spatial information in the DBMS table. The spatial index provides a fast way for MapInfo Pro to access the spatial data in the table. The seven index types to choose from are SpatialWare, Oracle Spatial, Oracle Annotation Text, SQL Server Spatial, PostGIS Spatial, MapInfo Pro, and XY Coordinates. (You use the XY Coordinates option when there is no index.)
Index Column
Required for all index types except XY Coordinates. Choose the name of the spatial column, or in the case of a MapInfo Pro index type, choose the name of the MICODE column.
X Coordinate, Y Coordinate
Required only if you chose the XY Coordinate or MapInfo Pro index type. Choose the X and Y columns that contain the point data you wish to map.
Object Type
For spatial databases, select point, linear, or region object types. (Defaults to point object type for MapInfo Pro and XY Coordinates index types.)
Point: indicates the table only can contain point objects
Linear: indicates the table can only contain lines and polylines
Region: indicates the table can only contain region objects
Per Row Styles
Activates per row styles for the table, which enables you to use different object styles on the remote table. You can modify the styles of individual objects or groups of objects and save them to the DBMS table.
This option is only available when the MapInfo_MapCatalog has the structure to support styles; it contains the columns RENDITIONTYPE, RENDITIONCOLUMN, and RENDITIONTABLE, and when the table has a minimum of one Char (character) column.
Style Column
When the "Per Row Style" check box has been selected, you must also pick a Style Column from the drop-down list of candidate columns. Any column that is a character column is a candidate. Since this column will be overwritten with the style when tables are modified within MapInfo Pro, do not select a column that contains information.
Once this is done, the table is enabled for per row styles. If none were previously loaded into the tables column, the default style stored in the MapInfo_MapCatalog SYMBOL column will be used. You may set new styles simply by modifying the style in the Map window and saving the table.
Object Style
Depends on the object types that the mappable table can contain. You can set the default style that the objects will use for display when they are downloaded.
Symbol: Displays the Symbol Style dialog box where you can select a default symbol for the point data.
Line: Displays the Line Style dialog box where you can select a default symbol for the line data.
Region: Displays the Region Style dialog box where you can select a default symbol for the region data.
Opens the Choose Projection dialog box. Specify the projection for the DBMS table. The projection must match the projection used by the corresponding remote database table.
If the Projection button is disabled, the application has read the projection information from the Oracle metadata and will use that projection to display the file.
Table Bounds
Opens the Set Table Bounds dialog box, which lets you choose the options that determine how your default view and your entire view table bounds are calculated. The bounds options you specify in this dialog box define both views. Select one of these options and click OK to implement those bounds options.
Use Data Bound: By default MapInfo Pro calculates the bounds as the minimum bounding rectangle of all the data in the layer. This requires scanning the table and calculating this value. This process can take some time, so a progress bar displays showing you the progress of this operation. You can cancel it, if necessary.
Use CoordSys Bounds: You can use the coordinate system bounds, but usually we do not recommend it. The coordinate system bounds are usually much larger than the actual data bounds, which may make finding your displayed data difficult. You are usually zoomed out too far to be able to locate your data easily.
Use Custom Bounds: Set your own custom bounds based on the size and location of your data. Click this option to modify or set the bounds of your data.