Other Search Methods - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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You can draw your own polygons and search for objects within them. For example, you have a table of city streets and a table of retail businesses. Since streets are made of lines and not boundaries, you cannot search within a city block. However, you could create boundaries by tracing the street map with the Polygon command. You could then search for objects within that boundary.

You can also create search polygons with the Buffer command. The Buffer command is used to create boundaries around points, lines, or other boundaries. For example, you want to search for all customers who live within five miles of Interstate 90. Using the Buffer command, you could create a polygon that would encompass any area within five miles of Interstate 90.

You could even use the Buffer command to create a boundary around another boundary. For example, you want to search for all radio stations that are located within twenty miles of a given county. Using the Buffer command, you could create a polygon that would encompass any area within twenty miles of the county boundary.

To find a point in a polygon (perform a polygon search), two layers must be Selectable: the layer containing the objects you are selecting, and the layer containing the boundary you want to use in selecting those objects.