Saving Queries - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Any query created using the Select or SQL Select commands can be saved as a MapInfo Pro query table. Query tables consist of a .TAB file and a .QRY file. After you have executed a Select or SQL Select statement, on the TABLE tab, in the Content group, click Save Table or Save Query to save the query as a table. When you open this table, the tables on which the query is based are re-opened and the query is re-executed.

Note: Queries made against other queries cannot be saved as a table or in a workspace.

Saving Queries to Workspaces

You can also save queries in workspaces. When you open a workspace that contains a query, the query will execute and any windows created by the query will redisplay. Unlike saving a query as a table, a separate .TAB file is not created when you save a query to a workspace.

Note: To save queries to a workspace, the Save Queries in Workspaces check box must be selected in the Startup preferences. MapInfo Pro selects this check box by default.

Activating Save Query when Using a Workspace

To activate the Save Query option when using a workspace, you must activate the Save Queries in Workspaces option in the Startup Preferences dialog box.

  1. On the PRO tab, click Options, and Startup to open the Startup Preferences dialog box.
  2. Check the Save Queries in Workspaces option (default setting).
  3. Click OK.

If you selected this option and open a workspace, the associated queries are regenerated. A separate MapInfo Pro table (.tab) file for the queries is not created.

Note: Only queries created using the SQL Select or Select commands are saved in a workspace.