Sharing Data with Autodesk's AutoCAD MapĀ 3D - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

MapInfo Pro works with data created in Autodesk's AutoCAD Map 3D and stored in SQLite or in Oracle. You can view this data in MapInfo Pro, save changes made to the data, and then continue to work on the data in Map 3D. However, there are considerations and limitations when reading and writing text layers created in Autodesk's AutoCAD Map 3D.

For more information about Map 3D text layers, refer to the Map 3D product documentation.

Accessing Map 3D Text Layers

Map 3D text layers must be stored either in SQLite or in Oracle. There is no support for reading text layers stored in other formats, such as SDF files.

SQLite users:

To display a Map 3D text layer stored a SQLite database, you open it in MapInfo Pro like any other SQLite table. For instructions on how to open a table in a SQLite database, see Opening SQLite Tables.

Note: You do not require a MapInfo Map Catalog to open tables in a SQLite database. With other types of databases, such as Oracle or SQL Server, MapInfo Pro stores information about spatial tables and views in the database in a special table. MapInfo Pro opens SQLite tables as mappable without requiring a Map Catalog. For more information, see Using a MapInfo Map Catalog with a SQLite Database.

Oracle users:

To display a Map 3D text layer stored in Oracle, it must first be made mappable. For more information, see the section Making a DBMS Table Mappable to Display it on a Map. For text layers stored in SQLite, this step is not necessary.

To open a text layer, first create a data source connection (see Creating a Data Source Connection), and then select the text layer table you wish to open. MapInfo Pro recognizes the table as a text layer based upon the table structure. You do not need to indicate to MapInfo Pro that it is a text table.

Working with Map 3D Text Layers

When displaying a text layer in MapInfo Pro, MapInfo Pro uses default settings for text objects unless there is explicit formatting information for individual text objects (see Using a MapInfo Map Catalog with a SQLite Database). Note that the default settings in MapInfo Pro may differ from that in Map 3D. To change the MapInfo Pro text style defaults, on the PRO tab, click Options, and Styles. On the Style Preferences dialog box, click the Text button.

Support for Map 3D Text Formatting

MapInfo Pro supports both plain text and a limited subset of MText (AutoCAD multi-line text) formatting. Supported MText formatting includes font name, color, bold, italic, underline, and multi-line text. MapInfo Pro applies formatting to the entire text object. It does not support partial formatting of the text object. When editing a text object in MapInfo Pro and saving it back to the database, any existing formatting for that object is overwritten.

Limitations Working with Map 3D Text

Not all of the style information associated with a Map 3D text layer is stored in the database tables. This includes the default style settings for the Map 3D feature class, as well as advanced functionality such as the use of expressions in the creation of the text object. As a result, the content and appearance of text layers in MapInfo Pro may differ considerably compared to the same layer in Map 3D.

Viewing AutoCAD Text Object Columns in a Table

When MapInfo Pro finds the following columns in a SQLite or Oracle table, it recognizes that they contain data for AutoCAD Text Objects:

  • FeatID
  • Label_Text
  • Geometry
  • Size (Size1 for Oracle)
  • Orientation
  • Horizontal_Alignment
  • Vertical_Alignment

Map_3D stores text objects as point geometries and associated label text. MapInfo Pro converts the point geometries to text geometries and text specifications are read from the Label_Text, Size, Orientation, Vertical_Alignment, and Horizontal_Alignment columns. MapInfo Pro assigns default font style preferences to the legend text unless there is specific formatting applied to the individual text objects.

MapInfo Pro processes the label text information, but does not let you work with the label text columns. Only the FeatID column is visible in a Browser window, and the label text and text specification columns are hidden.

If an Oracle table includes ClassID and RevisionNumber columns, then these are hidden.