There are extra steps to the create points process when your data is in Excel or Lotus 1-2-3 format.
To create points for an Excel or Lotus table:
- On the HOME tab, in the File group, on the Open list, click Table to open the Open dialog box.
- In the Files of type drop-down list, choose the type of table that you want to open, Excel or Lotus, and select a file from the list. Click Open.
- Specify the portion of the worksheet you wish to access. You may use a named range or choose Other from the drop-down list and specify the rows and columns to include.
- If your worksheet uses the first row for column names, select the Use Row Above box. Click OK. Remember to use the drop-down box to modify the range accordingly, such as "Al" to "AZ".
You now have a Browser view of your worksheet in MapInfo Pro. This table is currently a read-only table and cannot be edited in MapInfo Pro.
Note: Make sure that your coordinate information is in decimal degrees (if longitude/latitude) and not in degrees, minutes, seconds. If your coordinates are in degrees, minutes, seconds format, see Converting Degree/Minute/Second Coordinates into Decimal Degrees. If it is a different coordinate system, it must be in numeric columns.MapInfo Pro can use your numeric data even if it is in a non-numeric column. Many times, numeric columns containing coordinate information are brought in as character columns because the first row is used as a header.
- On the TABLE tab, in the Maintenance group, click Table, and Modify Structure to open the Modify Table Structure dialog box. This dialog lists each field name and type.
- If the coordinate fields are decimal, integer or float, click OK and go to step 10.
- If your coordinate fields are listed as character, go to step 6.
- On the HOME tab, in the File group, click Save Copy As.
Give your table a new name, for example, SAMPLES2.TAB.
Click Save. A copy of your worksheet is saved.
- On the TABLE tab, in the Content group, click Close and close the worksheet that was opened.
- On the HOME tab, in the File group, on the Open list, click Table.
Choose the new table that you saved, for example, SAMPLES2.TAB.
Click Open. An editable copy of your original worksheet displays.
- On the TABLE tab, in the Maintenance group, click Table, and Modify Structure to open the Modify Table Structure dialog box.
Select your coordinate columns and change the type to Float.
Click OK.
- You will be asked to verify the changes. Click OK.
Your Browser closes, indicating that the changes have been made.
- Next, determine whether your points are in longitude/latitude or in another projection. Follow the instructions in the next section for each of these cases. If you are unsure of what projection your coordinates are in, contact the source of the data.