If your point information is in longitude/latitude, do the following:
- Examine the browser for your data to determine which columns contain the latitude coordinate (Y), and the longitude coordinate (X).
- Determine the multiplier for the X and Y columns based on the quadrant of the Earth in which the points fall. For example, if the points are expected to fall in Kansas, the X value is expected to be between -102 and -94. In the above browser, the data for X (Lon) is close to +98. The multiplier should be -1 to create the points correctly. The Y (Lat) values are in the correct range and require a multiplier of +1 (+1 will not change the value).
- On the SPATIAL tab in the Create group, click Create Points. The Create Points dialog box displays.
- Insert the proper values in the Get X coordinates, Get Y Coordinates boxes, and the Multiply X and Multiply Y boxes. Click OK.
Note: By default the Get X Coordinates from column searches for columns in the table with a name similar to Longitude\Long\Lon\Easting\East\XCoord\X. The Get Y Coordinates from column searches for columns in the table with a name similar to Latitude\Lat\Northing\North\YCoord\Y.