Placing Geocoded Points - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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When you are geocoding to street level (by address), you can specify certain aspects of the resulting points' position in relationship to the street. You can specify the offset of the point from the side of the street, and the inset of the point from the end of the street.

Street Offset

The street offset is the distance the geocoded point is set from the side of the street.

To set this distance:

  1. On the SPATIAL tab, in the Create group, click Geocode to open the Geocode dialog box.
  2. Fill in the table and column information for the dialog box.
  3. Click Options to open the Geocode Options dialog box.
  4. In the Offset Address Location group, specify a distance and distance unit.

    If you choose 12 meters, the point will be offset 12 meters back from the side of the street. You can specify any distance from 0-32,767 and a wide variety of units including meters, miles, yards, U.S. Survey feet.

  5. You can also specify a street inset, or click OK to return to the Geocode dialog box.

Street Inset

The street inset is the distance a geocoded point is set from the end of the street. You can specify a distance, or an inset can be a percentage of the length of the street. To avoid skewing the position of inset points, MapInfo Pro performs a proportional calculation that insets the points located at either end of the street the specified percentage or distance, but that decreases the inset as point locations approach the center. Points located at the center of the street remain in their original position.

To set the street inset:

  1. With the Geocode Options dialog box still open, choose how you want to specify the street inset in the Inset Address Location group: as a percentage of the length of the street, or as a distance.
  2. Specify one of the following radio buttons:
    • Percentage - Specify a percentage (0-50) to calculate the street inset.
    • Distance - Specify a distance (0-32,767) and distance unit.
  3. Click OK to return to the Geocode dialog box.
  4. Double-check your geocoding settings, and click OK to geocode the table.

MapInfo Pro uses the last inset and offset settings you specified as the default settings for your next session.

If you specify a street offset of a given distance and set the street inset to zero, you may get unexpected, albeit correct, display results. Points located at the end of adjoining or intersecting streets might overlap each other. On your screen, they will look like they are located on the wrong street. If you specify a street inset, the problem will correct itself.

Controlling How Much to Inset and Offset a Point when Geocoding

To control how much to inset or offset a point:

  1. Open at least one mappable table. This table serves as the source of geographic information in the geocoding operation (a street map with addresses indexed).
  2. Index this source table on the field you use for geocoding. For more information on indexing see Creating a New Table.
  3. The following options allow you to index your table and make it mappable:

    On the TABLE tab, in the Content group, click New Table.

    On the TABLE tab, in the Maintenance group, click Table, and Modify Structure.

  4. Open the table to be geocoded. You want to create point objects for this table and it must be different from the source table.
  5. On the SPATIAL tab, in the Create group, click Geocode to open the Geocode dialog box.
  6. Specify the appropriate geocoding options.
  7. Click the Options button to open the Geocode Options dialog box.
  8. Choose the desired inset and offset specifications in the Offset Address Location and Inset Address Location fields.
  9. Click OK to return to the Geocode dialog box.
  10. Click OK to geocode your table.