Coordinate System Support for GeoPackage - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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When opening a table from a GeoPackage, MapInfo Pro will look into the table metadata for the projection to be used. MapInfo Pro will serch for an SRSID in the metadata. SRSID stands for Spatial Reference System Identifier, which defines the projection or the coordinate system for the table (for example: 0 for undefined Geographic, or –1 for undefined Cartesian).

If there is no SRSID for the selected table, MapInfo Pro will prompt you for the projection to use for the table. The selected projection will then be written into the TAB file metadata as a coordinate system or CoordSys clause, so that MapInfo Pro can use them in future sessions without having to prompt for the projection again.

If there is no projection information written as a CoordSys clause in the table metadata, MapInfo Pro uses the FME engine from Safe Software Inc. to convert a table’s WKT representation, as stored in the GeoPackage Spatial Reference System (gpkg_spatial_ref_sys) table, to a Coordsys clause. WKT stands for Well Known Text, a text markup language for representing GeoPackage Spatial Reference System (gpkg_spatial_ref_sys).

When opening a GeoPackage table, if the WKT is unavailable, or if it cannot be converted into a CoordSys clause, then MapInfo Pro will prompt for the projection.

Similarly, when saving a MapInfo table as a GeoPackage table, MapInfo Pro also uses FME to convert the MapInfo CoordSys to WKT, and a new entry is added to the GeoPackage Spatial Reference System table.

Note: If a WKT string is mapped to a CoordSys in the MapInfoCoordinateSystemSet.xml, then this string is used rather than the FME engine for conversion.
Note: When saving a MapInfo table to a GeoPackage, if it could not generate a valid WKT for the CoordSys, the table creation will fail.