To access your Personal Geodatabase data, you must have an ArcGIS desktop application, such as ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo version 8 or greater or the ArcGIS engine. If these applications are not present, the Formats Gallery dialog box will display the Personal Geodatabase format, but it will be grayed out and unavailable.
The documentation describing the options in this dialog box are from Safe Software's Help System.
To set the ESRI Personal Geodatabase data options:
- Select the ESRI Geodatabase format and appropriate data.
- Click Settings to display the Personal Geodatabase Input settings. Select the appropriate options and click OK to set the input options.
For ESRI Geodatabase MDB input settings, see Input Settings for ESRI Geodatabase MDB Dialog Box (FME).
Note: Not available with FME Base Edition. For a complete list of formats available in the FME Base edition, see