You can open AutoCAD, Microstation Design, ESRI ArcSDE, Personal Geodatabase and Google Earth KML data directly to avoid having to translate it separately and work with copies of the data in .TAB format. This functionality ensures that you will have more flexibility when working with your data.
Precisely and Safe Software, a third-party partner, have worked together to provide this direct way to open and display universal data in MapInfo Pro using a utility called the Feature Manipulation Engine (FME). The FME opens a variety of Universal Data formats including:
- Autodesk AutoCAD (*.DWG, *.DXF)
- Bentley MicroStation Design (V7) (*.FC1, *.DGN, *.POS)
- Bentley MicroStation Design (V8) (*.FC1, *.DGN, *.POS)
- ESRI ArcInfo Export (*.E00)
- ESRI Geodatabase (File Geodb API) (*.GDB)
- ESRI Geodatabase (Personal Geodb) (*.MDB)
- ESRI Legacy ArcSDE
- ESRI Shapefile (*.SHZ, *.SHP)
- GML (Geography Markup Language) (*.GML, *.GZ, *.XML)
- Google KML (*KML, *KMZ)
- OS MasterMap Database
- OS VectorMap District
- OS VectorMap Local
- Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) (*.CATD, *.DDF)
- Vector Product Format (VPF) Coverage (*.FT)
Using the Universal Data feature of MapInfo Pro, you can open different types of data stored in a variety of locations and:
- Combine data from multiple sources into a single output.
- Run and join data from incompatible systems
- Extend the use of legacy systems
- Exchange data between CAD-based systems and GIS systems
- Perform quality assurance tests on spatial data
Additionally, if you have the FME Suite, which is available from Safe Software, you can use this feature to open almost 150 formats within MapInfo Pro.