The CoordSys Bounds Manager checks and sets the coordinate system bounds for mappable MapInfo Pro base tables. This is useful for controlling the resolution of object coordinates. The CoordSys Bounds Manager works only with open, mappable, base tables.
This tool is available on the Tools Manager, on the HOME tab, in the Tools group, click Tool Extensions.
For instructions on how to load and run tools, see Working with MapInfo Pro Tools.
For instructions on how to load and run tools, see Working with MapInfo Pro Tools in the MapInfo Pro: Productivity Aids Guide.
Lists all currently open native TAB files. Select the table to check or set the coordinate system bounds for.
Table CoordSys Bounds
Displays the X and Y coordinates that match the bounds of the table. Provide X and Y coordinate values in the same number of decimal digits (unless ending in zeros). The number of decimals varies within a certain range with the level of internal precision.
Min X
Minimum X value.
Min Y
Minimum Y value.
Max X
Maximum X value.
Max Y
Maximum Y value.
Actual Data Bounds
Displays the X and Y coordinates that match the actual data bounds.
Min X
Minimum X value.
Min Y
Minimum Y value.
Max X
Maximum X value.
Max Y
Maximum Y value.
Table CoordSys
Displays the coordinate system projection name that the table is in.
Displays the MapBasic CoordSys clause for the table, which shows the CoordSys Earth Projection type value and datum value.
Buffer % for Bounds Optimization
This controls how close the new bounds rectangle is to the actual limits of the data in the table. Enter a positive value. A value of zero (0) sets the bounds to the limits of the data in the table.
ReRead CoordSys Bounds
Click to refresh the dialog with the coordinate system bounds information set for the table.
Optimize CoordSys Bounds
Click to match the table coordinate system bounds to the actual data bounds. The match applies the Buffer % for Bounds Optimization value to calculate the table coordinate system bounds.
Save Table As with CoordSys Bounds
Click to save a copy of the table with your settings.
Save Table As without CoordSys Bounds
Click to save a copy of the table without coordinate system bounds information.
Draw outline of bounds
Click to show the coordinate system bounds on the map.
Click to select and copy the text in the Clause field to paste it into your MapBasic application or MapBasic window. (If you can edit the text in the Clause field while in copy mode, the CoordSys Bounds Manager ignores the edits.)
Click to close the dialog box.