Unquestionably, MapInfo Pro can set your organization apart from your competitors; however, it also requires knowledge of the program's basic functionality.
Here is a four-step process you can use to ensure your own success:
- Read the documentation.
- MapInfo Pro installs with a set of PDF documents that will help you with all the basic information that you will need to get started with the software. These PDF documents are located in the Documentation subfolder of your installation directory.
- MapInfo Pro also has a context-sensitive Help System integrated that contains a comprehensive set of topics that will help you understand all the features and functionality in the software. You can access the help system by pressing F1, or by clicking the help button in MapInfo Pro.
See MapInfo Pro Documentation for more details.
- Get trained
Get the most out of your MapInfo Pro software by getting trained in the product and version of the software you are using. Precisely and its partners provide comprehensive training courses throughout the world that is customized to meet your particular business needs. You will learn everything from basic to advanced operations and develop important skills along the way.
See Getting MapInfo Pro Training for more details.
- Use support along the way.
When you are stopped at a critical point, Technical Support is here to help.
See Tech Support for details on contacting your local support center.