Proportional Overlap Tool - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

This tool calculates proportional aggregates for objects in a target table that overlap with objects in a base table. Calculation results are added to a new or to an existing column in the target table.

For information about how to add a tool to the Tool Manager, see Working with MapInfo Pro Tools.

Table to update

Select the target table to which to add values resulting from the proportional aggregate calculation.

Column to update

Select an existing column in the target table to which to add values, or select New Column to create a new column in the table.

Adding a new column to a table will force the table to close and reopen. This removes the table from any maps and causes the table to lose all style override settings for that layer.

Note: For live access tables, the option to add a column is active, but the Proportion Overlap tool is unable to add a column to a non-native table. Selecting to add a column to a live access table generates an error.
Note: For linked tables, the Proportional Overlap tool cannot add a field to a linked table even though it saves as a TAB file. This is because a linked table has a reference back to the database table.

Get values from table

Select the base table to overlap. This is the table that supplies the data for the calculation.


Select the type of calculation to perform for the proportional overlap.

Proportion Sum - A sum calculation that is adjusted based on how much of one object is within another object.

Proportion Avg - An average calculation that is adjusted based on how much of one object is within another object.

Proportion WtAvg - A weighted average calculation that is adjusted based on how much of one object is within another object.


Select the column in the base table to use values from for the calculation.

Weighting expression

Select the column in the base table to use values from for the Proportion Weighted Average calculation.

Using the Proportional Overlap Tool

To use the Proportional Overlap tool:

  1. Open a base table and a target table.
  2. Run the Proportional Overlap tool to display the Professional Overlapwindow. See Running a Tool for details.
  3. From the Table to update list, select the target table to which to add values resulting from the proportional aggregate calculation.
  4. From the Column to update list, select an existing column in the target table to which to add values, or select New Column to create a new column in the table.
    Note: You cannot add a column to a linked or live access table. Adding a new column forces the table to close and reopen, removing it from any maps and causing the table to lose all style override settings.
  5. From the Get values from table list, select the base table to overlap. This is the table that supplies the data for the calculation.
  6. From the Calculate list, select the type of calculation to perform for the proportional overlap.
  7. From the Of list, select the column in the base table to use values from for the calculation.
  8. If you selected to calculate a Proportion Weighted Average in a previous step, then in the Weighting expression list, select the column in the base table to use values from for the Proportion Weighted Average calculation.
  9. Click OK to update the target table with the proportion aggregate data.


There are some known issues using the Proportional Overlap tool:

  • Adding a column to the table forces the table to close and reopen. This removes the table from all maps (it does not affect browsers in Layout windows), and removes style override settings for the layer.
  • The Table to update list includes Raster, WMS, and WFS tables, which are not editable.
  • The Column to update list contains an option to add new column for a live access DBMS table. You cannot add a column in a live access table, so an error message results if you select to add a new column to a live access DBMS table and then run the Proportional Overlap tool.