MapInfo EasyLoader Tool - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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MapInfo EasyLoader is a utility to upload MapInfo TAB files to a remote database. The spatial information in the TAB files is maintained in the remote database and is available for viewing and analyzing in MapInfo Pro.

For information about how to add a tool to the Tool Manager, see Working with MapInfo Pro Tools.

Using the MapInfo EasyLoader Tool

To start MapInfo EasyLoader, run the MapInfo EasyLoader tool to display the MapInfo EasyLoader window, see Running a Tool.

MapInfo EasyLoader is a single window within which you can set everything necessary to upload data tables to a database.

Name Icon Description
Database Connection   Select the connection to the database you want to upload tables to. You can use existing database connections created from the Microsoft Start menu or from in MapInfo Pro.
Manage Connection List and Choose a Connection Create a new connection by selecting New Connection from the Database Connection list and then clicking this button.
Output Directory   Select a path location to save live access files to.

Unless you select not to create them, MapInfo EasyLoader saves .tab files to your machine that contain database access information. MapInfo Pro uses these files when accessing the tables that MapInfo EasyLoader uploads. If you select not to create these files, you can create them later from within MapInfo Pro. A live access file has the same name as the upload file with a _srv extension, such as

Browse for an Output Directory (Folder) Select a different directory from what is in the Output Directory list by clicking this button.
Source Table Lists the data tables to upload to the database.

To add tables, click the Browse for one or more tables to upload button and then select Add Tables or Add Tables from Folder.

Server Table   Shows the table name as it will appear on the database server. You can click on the name to change it.
Operation   Select for each table what you would like to do in the database:

Create a New Table ­ creates a new table in the database using the source table name.

Replace Existing Table ­ replaces an existing table in the database that has the same name as the source table.

Append to Existing Table ­ appends the contents of the source table to an existing table in the database that has the same name as the source table.

For more details, see Table Processing Options in the MapInfo EasyLoader Help.

Catalog   By default, upload tables are added to the map catalog on the database unless you clear the check box in the Catalog column.

MapInfo Pro uses the Map Catalog on the database for spatial indexing. Select this check box to add a new Map Catalog or clear it to unregister a table from the Map Catalog. For information about the Map Catalog and what options you can set, see Using the Map Catalog in the MapInfo EasyLoader Help. If you do not add the upload table data to the Map Catalog now, then you can do so later in MapInfo Pro.

Upload States   Gives information about the upload. If there was an error with the upload, then hovering the mouse pointer over the image in this column shows more information.
Map Catalog This command is available when you are connected to a database connection. Selecting this command displays the Map Catalog window where you can edit data on the database. For more information about the Map Catalog, see Using the Map Catalog in the MapInfo EasyLoader Help.

Owner Name - You can filter the list of tables by selecting the Owner Name.

Unregister - Unregisters a table from the database.

Copy - Copies the selected row as comma separated values (csv).

Close - Closes the Map Catalog window.

Options The drop-down list has following command options:

Options opens the Options dialog box where you can access the Server Table Processing options. For details, see Server Table Processing Options in the MapInfo EasyLoader Help.

View Log opens the EasyLoader.log file in a text editor. This file contains the database connection information currently in use to upload data tables with. For details, see Locating the MapInfo EasyLoader Log File in the MapInfo EasyLoader Help.

Close When Complete is off by default. When set, MapInfo EasyLoader closes after finishing the upload.


Online Help opens the product help. You need access to the internet to view this.

PDF Help opens the product help as a PDF file for printing and for viewing when you do not have access to the internet.

About MapInfo EasyLoader opens a message dialog box displaying the version of MapInfo EasyLoader.

Start or Resume Uploading Tables Starts the upload process or continues the process if you put it on pause.
Pause the Upload Pauses the upload process, which you can resume later.
Cancel the Rest of the Upload Stops and cancels the upload process.

For more about the MapInfo EasyLoader tool, refer to the MapInfo EasyLoader Help.