The Keyboard Shortcuts tool customizes keyboard short-cuts and command resources. Use this tool to edit the following command resources in MapInfo Pro.
- Key gesture (command keyboard short-cuts)
- Menu item text
- Menu item toggle text
- ToolTip description
- ToolTip text
- ToolTip disabled text
The Keyboard Shortcuts tool creates a copy of the MAPINFOPRO.MNU file, located in the MapInfo Pro installation directory, and edits the copy. This file contains command short-cuts and context menu definitions for MapInfo Pro. Changing a short-cut in the MAPINFOPRO.MNU file can break the default setting for the short-cut, which is why edits are made to a copy. The copy of the file is user specific and is created at following location: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\MapInfo\MapInfo\Professional\1520 (where username is the Windows user)
For information about how to add a tool to the Tool Manager, see Working with MapInfo Pro Tools.
For a list of keyboard short-cuts, see Shortcuts by Keystroke.
Using the Keyboard Shortcuts tool
Launch the Keyboard Shortcuts tool on the HOME tab, in the Tools group, by clicking Tool Extensions. On the Running tab, click Keyboard Shortcuts. If you do not see the Keyboard Shortcuts tool, then locate it on the Registered tab and double click on it.
The Keyboard Shortcuts window lists the key gestures for each command. Click on a key gesture to edit it. You can also add a key gesture to a command that does not already have one. Clicking Update saves your changes, which are user-specific, and a pop-up window appears informing that the changes will take affect when MapInfo Pro is started next time. Clicking Cancel closes the window without saving changes.
To revert all key strokes back to their original settings, click Restore to Defaults.
In the Basic view of the Command Editor tool, only key gesture column is available for editing. Click on Advanced to see more options.
Use the scroll bars to see all of the columns of information for a command. For any command, you can update its:
- Key gesture: The sequence of key strokes that enable the command
- Menu item text: The name of the context menu items
- Menu item toggle text: Not used
- Tool tip description: A summary or title, which is the first line of text that displays when hovering the mouse over the command name in the Pro ribbon
- Tool tip text: A description, which is the second line of text after the tool tip description
- Tool tip disabled text: Displays when the command is unavailable
The Tool is now auto-loaded. The Tool adds a new Keyboard Shortcuts item to the Backstage Options Tab under the System group. A new Tab allows you to customize single key mapper shortcuts. You can press F2 on a selected item to edit the shortcut. Search now also searches the menu item text. You can now sort the list by clicking on the column headers. Missing Layout commands are now able to be customized. Help button added to dialog and tools.
You can also customize single key shortcuts for mapper window by making/modifying entries in the MapInfoPro.MNU file under ArrayOfMapInfoProKeyShortcut tag. Refer to the following example to create your custom entries:
<!-- ArrayOfMapInfoProMapCommand section of the file contains the single key shortcut for map window function.-->
<ArrayOfMapInfoProKeyShortcut xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- MapInfoProCommand tag represents the overridden command properties. Name attribute corresponds to a internal name of a MapInfo Pro command and its value should never be modified by the user.-->
<MapInfoProKeyShortcut Key="M" Control="false" Shift="true" CommandId="840" WindowType="ViewWindow" Description="View entire map"/>
<!-- Make your new entry here.-->