Disperse Points Tool - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

This tool disperses points located at the same position. Points can be dispersed systematically or randomly. You can disperse points in the same position either systematically or randomly using the Disperse Points tool. This tool is a MapBasic program that ships with MapInfo Pro.

To disperse points:

  1. On the HOME tab, click Tool Extensions. On the Running tab, click Disperse Points.
  2. Choose the table containing the points to be dispersed. Click OK.
  3. A warning displays suggesting that you save a copy of the table if you have not already done so. If you are working with a copy of the original table, click Continue.
  4. Choose the appropriate method for dispersing points. Click OK. Methods include:
    • Systematically N, S, E, W, NE, SW, NW, SE: Points are dispersed roughly one symbol width away from the original point in eight possible directions.
    • Systematically "Around The Clock": Points are dispersed roughly one symbol width away from each other in a clockwise fashion.
    • Randomly: Points are clustered around the original location in a random pattern. In this case, the points can end up overlapping each other.
    • Randomly with Call Out Lines: Random dispersion with a callout line to indicate the original location of the point.

      The Zoom Level dialog box displays.

  5. Enter the zoom level at which you will typically view the table. This is so the dispersal distance can be customized to that particular zoom level.
  6. Click OK.
Note: The program works slightly faster if you do not display the table you are dispersing.
This program permanently changes the table. Save a copy of the table before running this program to be safe.

For information about how to add a tool to the Tool Manager, see Adding a Tool Using the Tools Manager.

For information about how to add a tool to the Tool Manager, see Adding a Tool Using the Tools Manager in the MapInfo Pro Productivity Guide.