Summary of MapInfo Pro Tools - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

The following is a list of the MapInfo Pro tools.

Tool Description
Catalog Browser Tool Use this tool to locate descriptive information about spatial and non-spatial datasets. This information is referred to as metadata. Metadata describes information about the data, such as its title, creation/modified date, coordinate reference system and location.
Command Editor Tool The Command Editor customizes keyboard short-cuts and command resources.
Coordinate Extractor Tool Allows you to add two columns to an open table and updates each column with x and y coordinates in the table's native projection. For objects other that points, the x and y coordinates will represent CentroidX and CentroidY locations.
CoordSys Bounds Manager Tool This tool checks and sets the coordinate system bounds for mappable MapInfo Pro base tables.
Degree ConverterTool Converts a column of data containing DMS coordinates to Decimals, and Decimal Degrees to degrees/minutes/seconds.
Delete Duplicates Tool Use this tool to delete duplicate records from a table while retaining map objects. This tool does not change the original table in any way.
Disperse Points Tool Use this tool to disperse points located at the same position. Points can be dispersed systematically or randomly. You can disperse points in the same position either systematically or randomly using the Disperse Points tool.
Distance Calculator Tool The Distance Calculator tool (DISTANCECALC.MBX) is used to calculate the distance from a selected object (or group of objects) to the closest or farthest object(s). You can also specify criteria to limit the results.
Drivetime tool Use this tool to access a Driving Regions server to create time-based and distance-based buffers for the selected table entries..
Geocode Tool Use this tool to assign geographic coordinates to your data.
GELink: Link Utility for Google Earth Use this tool to display your map data on Google Earth Maps.
Grid Maker Tool Draws a Graticule: a grid of latitude/longitude lines.
Layout Scale Bar AddIn Use this tool to create a custom distance scale bar to annotate a Map window. This tool can also be used in Layout windows. (For improved map annotation, see Adding an Adornment to Your Map to add a scale bar to your map using the Scale Bar menu option.) (For improved map annotation, see Adding an Adornment to Your Map in the MapInfo Pro: Managing the Look of Your Map Guide to add a scale bar to your map using the Scale Bar menu option.)
MapCAD Tool This product provides tools that work with MapInfo Pro to create maps that are appropriate for land development and surveying tasks.
MapInfo EasyLoader Tool MapInfo EasyLoader is a Windows-only utility that is loaded using the Tools Manager. MapInfo EasyLoader let you upload MapInfo Pro tab files to a remote database. For details, see the MapInfo EasyLoader Help System.
Named Views Tool Use this tool to save a Map window's current zoom and center as a named view. Return to that view by selecting the view name from a dialog box.
North Arrow Tool Add North Arrows of various styles and optionally add a Magnetic Declination arrow. A North Arrow can be added to a Map or Layout. You can either specify from the dialog box which corner to position the North Arrow, or use the toolbar button to drag a rectangle and place the North Arrow at the specified location.
Pack Tool Use this tool to compress multiple tables together in a single operation. Pack tool replaces the table manipulation command Pack Table under the TABLES tab. For details about packing and compressing tables, see Packing a Table.
Proportional Overlap Tool This tool calculates proportional aggregates for objects in a target table that overlap with objects in a base table. Calculation results are added to a new or to an existing column in the target table.
Quick Search Tool Use this tool to quickly search and execute commands on the MapInfo Pro ribbon.
RDBMS Set MBR Tool Use this tool to change the bounds of a table in the MapInfo Map Catalog, in a remote database.
Register Vector Tool Use this tool to put control points into a vector image and reference points into a Map window and then performs an affine transformation to line them up.
Rotate Labels Tool This tool is used to rotate labels in a Map window.
Rotate Map Window Tool Rotate Map Window enables you to rotate the contents of the current map window a specific number of degrees.
Rotate Symbols Tool Use this tool to rotate all the symbols in a map layer at once.
Seamless Table Manager Tool Use this tool to create and manage seamless map sheets.
Search and Replace Tool Search a character column for a specific string and replace it with another string or to search and replace multiple column entries.
Spider Graph Tool This tool draws lines between objects in a single table, or the objects from two tables based on a join. It then creates a new table of lines that connect the objects from the original table(s) based on matching column names.
Synchronize Windows Tool This tool provides toolbar icons that allow you to automatically share changes made in one mapper window to all other mapper windows in a given MapInfo Pro session.
Symbol Maker Tool This tool allows you to create, edit, or delete symbols from the MapInfo 3.0 Compatible symbol font.
Table Manager Tool This tool allows you to get info about all currently open tables.
Transfer Labels Tool This tool allows you to transfer your layer's labels into permanent text objects.
Universal Translator Utility (FME Quick Translator) Import and export MapInfo Pro data to and from other popular mapping file formats. Provides a log file viewer to confirm log file changes.
Window Manager Tool This tool assigns the title of Map, Browser, Layout, Layout, and Redistricter window and the default table view..
Workspace Packager Tool Use this tool to create a copy of a workspace in a new location or folder, and copies all the data referenced by the workspace to the same location. MapInfo Pro updates the internal references in the workspace and .TAB files to point only to the "packaged" copies of the data, so you can open the new workspace no matter where the folder is moved or copied, even if the folder is moved or copied to a different computer.