Re-Center and Specify a Zoom Level for the Layout Window - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

It is easy to design a layout when there are this many ways to change the view by zooming in or out.

To change the zoom level in a Layout window:

  • Make the zoom level smaller or larger, to see more or less detail, by using the slider bar located along the bottom of the Layout window.
  • Enter a new value for the zoom level. Click on the label (the percentage value) to the left of the zoom slider to make it a text box. Type a new percentage value between 5 and 400 in to the text box and then press the Enter or Tab key. To discard what you entered, press Esc or click away from the text box.
  • Enlarge the view, so that you an see more detail, by clicking the Zoom in button to the right of the zoom slider.
  • View the entire contents of the layout by clicking the Fit Layout in Window button to the right of the zoom slider, or right-click on the canvas. The Layout window zooms out to show the entire page and all layout frames. If you have a large page size and a small Layout window, then Fit Layout in Window may not show the entire layout. To view the rest of the layout, either make your Layout window bigger or use the scrollbars.

To quickly reposition your view of the map:

  • Zoom into the canvas using the Zoom In command on the LAYOUT tab, in the Tools group. When you select this command and click on the layout canvas, the layout re-centers to where you clicked and the area magnifies by a factor of two (this shows more details in a smaller area). When you click and drag it diagonally across the layout canvas, the area enclosed by the dotted rectangle becomes the new view. You can return to the Select tool by pressing Esc or clicking the Select command.
  • Zoom out of the canvas using the Zoom Out command on the LAYOUT tab, in the Tools group. When you select this command and click on the layout canvas, the layout re-centers to where you clicked and increases the visible area of the map by a factor of two (this shows a larger area on the map). When you click and drag it diagonally across the layout canvas, more of the map displays around the area enclosed by the dotted rectangle. You can return to the Select tool by pressing Esc or clicking the Select command.
  • Pan the canvas using the Pan command on the LAYOUT tab, in the Tools group. When you select this command and then click and drag it across the layout canvas, you recenter the map to a new location (this changes what you see in the map view). You can return to the Select tool by pressing Esc or clicking the Select command.