Working with guidelines is similar to working with a grid, except that you can discretely position items for more control when aligning items in your layout.
To add a guideline to the Layout window:
On the LAYOUT tab, in the Edit group, from the Alignment list, select either Add Vertical Guideline or Add Horizontal Guideline.
Selecting Add Vertical Guideline or Add Horizontal Guideline adds a guideline to the center of the Layout window. If you make this selection multiple times, you will have more than one guideline at the center position—it might not look that way until you start dragging them to a new position.
Click on the guideline and drag it to where you want to position it in the layout.
Select one or more layout frames (frame borders display to indicate your selections) and drag them to the guideline until the frame attaches itself (snaps) to the guideline.
Optionally turn on Snap to Grid to make it easier for frame borders to attach to guidelines: on the LAYOUT tab, in the Edit group, from the Alignment list, select either Snap to Grid. For details, see Aligning Layout Frames Using a Grid.
While using the left mouse to drag or resize an item, pressing and holding the Alt key temporarily disables all Snap to Grid and snap to guide behavior. Releasing the Alt key enables these behaviors.